Thursday, January 29, 2015

what's going on and most current pg pics...

I wanted to add the only bits of any sort of progress going on...

Since I lost my first bit of plug a few weeks back I have lost another bit that wasn't just a tiny little bit...I think it was last 38 weeks 1day..

I have seen very small bits on my tissue over the last few weeks but it's the stuff where you ask yourself, "is this plug or something else?"

So I'm just keeping track of the big globs where I know it's mucous plug.

Still inserting EPO each night..boy that stuff is messy! But I know it helps and I'm pretty sure it's doing something.

The funny thing? I have had braxton hicks ctx like crazy the last trimester but the last few weeks I've had hardly any! Annoying! Because then I wonder if anything is even going on at all??!!

Here I am this week about 38 weeks 3 days or so, my most current picture (39 weeks today)... and yes I am in my skivvies..

So I may not like all of me because of the weight gain while pg but my belly IS cute!! Can't wait to meet the cause of this basketball belly!! Hurry baby!!!

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