Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I like to post the little and big things that are part of every pregnancy. So, after my blog post yesterday I realized I didn't add the things I've been dealing with here lately.

Over the last week I've had two different episodes of bleeding. Thankfully it has stopped each time. I have also been experiencing other symptoms caused by stress that I have experienced in the past. I have had a very stressful, hurtful, and confused last 3 months.

My sweet husband is very concerned for me and baby and has given me some "orders" as to things I need to do to limit the stress in my life.

So I am taking measures to do all I can to take care of myself and baby.    

I am very thankful that I am feeling baby move more and for my doppler. It brings me much needed piece of mind.

I haven't been able to really enjoy this pregnancy. It was robbed from me due to situations outside of my control. So, I really want to focus on the baby more and enjoy each moment. I'll never get it again!

Just a small update to yesterday's post..

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