Tuesday, September 2, 2014

17 weeks 5 days!!

17 weeks 5 days..

Fundus measuring at 22 weeks. Keeping right at measuring 5 weeks ahead. Pretty normal for a Grand Multipara..

Grand multipara: The term "multipara" applies to any woman who has given birth 2 or more times. A woman who has given birth 5 or more times is called a grand multipara.

Baby's hb ranges from 148-156. The slower end when baby is resting and higher with movement.

Baby implanted on the left side and heart tones were best on the left, but as baby has grown larger heart tones are best and movement are on my right side.

When I am sitting I feel baby move the most. Quiet moments of my day where I can focus on the little one in my womb. I feel movement at these times more than any other. It is getting stronger everyday.

My uterus is tender this time. Lots of stretching and pulling. OUCH!

I am getting more and more excited about this new little person who will be joining our family in February. I feel very blessed to be with child again. They are each so unique and such a gift!

I had a small bit of blood late last night but it was brown which means old blood so could have been left over from last week's bleeding. It lasted not even an hour and all seems fine now.

Sweet baby girl has taken to head butting my belly. Yes, it's not comfortable and hurts. I tell her each time that she can't do that. There is a baby in there! She is really starting to show us all her character.And her temper! She is a pretty little thing too! I am looking forward to having her and the new baby toddling around together. I hope whether baby is a boy or girl that they become great friends.

Here is my sweet baby girl:

And here is my 17 week belly pic!

And this is me in 2012 with my last pg. The first one is at about 16 weeks and the 2nd is at almost 18 weeks...I had already gained 20lbs and perhaps a little more...I think you can tell the difference...I am hoping for less weight gain and a healthier me all the way around..but I'm trying to be gentle with myself also..;)

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