Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley March-April 2010

Friday, 23 April 2010

  • Birth Supplies..

     Last Saturday I got all my birth supplies together and organized. My dh and I went over each one and discussed what it is for, why I may need it and when, etc..
     He asked me to put the birth supplies on the cabinet in the living room as I will be birthing in my dining room which is off the living room. This way everything is near to the birthing area and easily accessible.    I also need to make sure my camera battery is recharged as I am hoping to have my oldest dd take a movie of the actual birth. 

    I think we're ready..

Thursday, 22 April 2010

  • update..

    Well, I am having lots of braxton hicks ctx. I am pretty sure some effacement and dilation is taking place from some things I have been experiencing. If baby hasn't come by next weekend which is my due date I am going to have my sweet dh check me and see where I am at.
     I am not having bloody show or mucous plug but that's pretty typical for me. My usual is to dilate weeks before labor starts but without the above signs.
     Still experiencing some pressure and baby's head grinding on my pubic bone. This baby likes to stretch out and that can be a bit painful down below.  

    Considering all that has been going on with the chronic pain, I feel that I am doing pretty well. I am not too impatient. I have my moments but am trying to not focus on it and just take one day at a time. If I keep myself from thinking ahead I do alright. If I think of the days ahead it can seem like I will be pregnant forever! So I try to just focus on right here right now. We all know pregnancy doesn't last eventually comes!   

Friday, 16 April 2010

  • think i have dropped??

      I have dropped and grown..
    This is at 32 weeks..

    This is at 34 1/2 weeks..

    and this is at 37 weeks 2 days

     Too funny...walking isn't quite as easy and there is lots of pressure..and baby's head grinding against my pubic bone, etc.. OUCH! But it encourages me that I am moving towards birth pretty soon! :)

Sunday, 11 April 2010

  • the nursery..

    Last night my oldest dd Morgan-Britney helped me get the nursery finished up. I ended up doing more directing then actual doing..Thank goodness for her help!

    All I have left now is to get the curtains finished and the nursery is done!
    here are some pics...

    Don't know if the pics do the nursery justice! It is very adorable!!

Saturday, 10 April 2010

  • update..

    37 weeks..

    I hurt...EVERYWHERE!

    The grinding of baby's head on my weak pubic bone has begun and is just getting worse as time gets closer to birth. This afternoon as we were walking I thanked the L-rd for it even though it hurts and I have to stop walking and grit my teeth!; because it makes me assured baby is head down..

    My pelvis/hips really hurt...I mean really... BAD!

    Baby has slowed down in movements ..running out of room..

    I feel like a house ! As is usual for me my baby belly is HUGE..and with this one it is all out front so I have to bend a bit backwards to walk so I don't fall over. :) Yes, it is a funny pic! You can laugh..LOL! :)

    I am having vaginal/cervix twinges..ouchy...

    Listened to baby's heart tones last week...156 bpm.......up to 162 with movement. Took bp uh...I think about a week and a half ago and it was still looking good!
    No swelling anywhere; not in feet, ankles, hands or face..

    Braxton hicks ctx have increased in intensity..which reminds me I am getting closer...

    Still drinking at least a quart of red raspberry leaf tea everyday! I am hoping for good things with this tea..

    And I am tired....VERY tired!
    All I want to do is sleep..ALOT!

    so there ya go... 

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