Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2010

Monday, 05 April 2010

  • These last weeks..

    I have been reading over my pregnancy blog and I find it so amazing just how different each pregnancy is! It's such a blessing to me to be able to read back over my pregnancies and see what was happening when, etc..

    My nipples have been so sore this entire pregnancy and I have been nursing my sweet baby boy JaidenNoah too. Which means that every time he latches on I grin and bear it so to speak..:) These last few weeks the soreness has increased...assuming it's from the upcoming birth as it gets closer?! (I am really looking forward to tandem nursing again! It is such a blessing!)

    The weeks before my last birth (JaidenNoah) I lost mucous plug for the first time since my first baby Morgan-Britney when I was 16. So I am curious if I will lose some this time too?? It's a great indicator for me that I am dilating and birth day is approaching!  

    Baby is lower in pelvis but of course still floating and will be until labor I am sure..

    My energy is I amuse myself by reading over myhappyhealthymama blog and dreaming of the days soon to come when I can get back on my bike and the road to being fit once again! LOL! :) Ya, I find it hard to be patient at the end...

    Last Thursday I wrote a to do list of things I need to get done before baby arrives. A few things on my list are;

    Sew nursery curtains
    finish nursery
    patch birth pool (dh is doing this)
    gather last few birth supplies
    organize birth supplies
    pick up few needed things for baby
    organize and clean upstairs bathroom shelves
    work on crocheted baby blanket
    and etc..

    I have been struggling with toothaches in different teeth for the last 3 weeks so if these stay away I might actually be able to get all this finished! 

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Monday, 29 March 2010

  • My good weight news!! :):)

    Well, I quit weighing at about 22 weeks as I can tend to obsess over weight especially since losing 75lbs before I became pg. I wanted to enjoy my pg and not fret over my weight gain. I have eaten pretty decently this pregnancy. I have eaten so much better than my last pregnancy. I haven't deprived myself of goodies here and there but I haven't went hog wild like previous pregnancies!

    Today I had to be reweighed at the chiro to update my chart. I told them not to tell me but then all the way home I had a number in my head that I figured I was up to with my weight so I went ahead and weighed and  I have gained 38lbs total so far. ( the number in my head was right!!) So figuring I gain about 3-5 more lbs by 40 weeks that would bring my weight gain to 41-43 lbs. And at the last part of pregnancy I tend to lose a few lbs also so I am guessing my weight gain to come out at 40lbs. I am so excited about this because this is the exact number I wanted to be at when my pregnancy was at term. A healthy weight gain of 35-40 lbs was all I wanted to gain!!
    (this is a normal healthy weight gain for me)

    This is the average breakdown of pregnancy weight. Also keeping in mind that my babies are on the large side..more like 8-10lbs. ( My last one was 10.5lbs)

    Baby – 7½ pounds
    Enlargement of uterus – 2 pounds
    Placenta – 1½ pounds
    Amniotic fluid – 2 pounds
    Breast enlargement – 2 pounds
    Extra blood and fluid volume – 8 pounds 
    Total weight gain from baby stuff being 22-24lbs depending on size of baby...

    Knowing that I plan to once again begin my WW plan at 7 weeks postpartum I am excited to know that I won't have too much to lose to be down to my pre pregnancy weight gain once again. WOOHOO!!

    I must confess I was worried about this after losing so much and putting so much hard work into being healthy and fit!
    And thank G-d for breastfeeding becuz bf really helps me get the weight off faster!

    Ok! So there's my good news for the day!! :)

Friday, 26 March 2010

  • Stuff is happening..

    Baby is moving down more into the pelvis; getting ready for birth day!
    I am feeling much more head grinding against my pubic bone..more so when I pubic bone and pelvis are sore much more now than they were.
    I am counting down by the days now until 40 weeks although you never know I may go a little early. And I may not..:)
    So today is 37 days I believe until I am full term! YAY!! 

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

  • It's Finished!!

    My 9 yr. old Quentin finished the blanket he was crocheting for the baby! It's so beautiful! He did a great job!! :)

    This is the recent scripture verse I found which hangs on the wall in the nursery..

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