Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley Feb-March 2010

Sunday, 21 March 2010

  • Thankfulness instead of complaints..

     Sometimes when we aren't feeling good and having days and days of struggle and pain and ickyness it helps to look up to where Yeshua the Messiah is seated at the right hand of the Father and offer Him our thanks for all we do have! So I want to offer that thanks by listing those things that I am thankful for. I can grumble and complain about it all but instead I want to be thankful!

    I am thankful for this baby. I am thankful my womb is fruitful and that I can carry babies to term. I am thankful for every kick even the painful ones for they remind me of the new life given to me and my wonderful dh!

    I am thankful for this all out front belly because everyone else can see my gift. They too can see the new life coming forth from my body!

    I am thankful for my hurting hips, pelvis and pubic bone because that means baby is growing and gaining weight.

    I am thankful for every time I see my chiropractor and he tells me I am bigger because I know that even he can see my baby is growing and healthy! Instead of kicking him I am thankful I can smile..LOL! :)

    I am thankful I will get to hold this sweet little ahava soon! She/He won't be cradled in my womb but in my arms.

    I am thankful for being so tired because my body is telling me it's time to rest up in preparation for the birth day and being a mama again...

    I am thankful that sweet baby boy JaidenNoah loves to nurse even though I have no lap left. Older nursers help so much with engorgement. It's a precious thing to tandem nurse too and I am thankful that I am getting to experience it again.

    I am thankful even when I feel touched out for all the kisses and hugs my littles give me. I know they love their mama! Even though sometimes I wonder why I know Elohim gave these children to me and not anyone else...that's a profound thought isn't it??!!

    I am thankful for every head movement of ahava as her/his head grinds against my pubic and pelvic bones. I know she/he is getting into position for birth. I know she/he is head down.

    I am thankful that even though I complain and grumble sometimes the L-rd loves me still! That He sees my heart and knows how much I love being pregnant and how much I wanted and prayed for this precious child!! He sees beyond my words to the truth inside..

    I am thankful for all the extra padding I have as when this new life is here I will need it to sustain my child with my breastmilk.

    I am thankful and the doldrums leave....

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 

    18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

  • This and That..

    Last night we went for a walk. It wasn't a long one but I was beat by the time we returned home. A far cry from how I felt before I was pregnant. Bike riding on the trails 7 miles with my family.. Well, once baby is born and my body is feeling good again I plan to get back on my bike and start working on getting fit once again.

    A friend of mine left a comment below about how 1 of her children fooled them with the heartbeat and turned out to be a boy. Well, I have had that thought in the back of my mind the entire pg..that perhaps even though this baby's heartbeat is like a girls and that has worked for us so far; this little one just might be a boy and fooling us all. I think I am going to just set my heart to expect a boy. After all we do have a tendency to have more boys than girls.. And if it's a girl, well what a nice surprise.. Either way this baby is a gift and a blessing..

    I love being pg but by this point I am tired, have no energy and am ready to be done. I begin to feel overwhelmed and have to remind myself that I go through this every pregnancy by this point and soon I will have a baby in my arms. I know it's worth it! I spent some time in prayer last night before falling asleep just asking the L-rd to give me patience and endurance. Helping me to get through the last weeks of pg.

    I did lament the fact that I never get to have my babies early. I bake them the entire 40 weeks. The earliest I have went is 2 days early when I had my 2nd son, 3rd child back in 1997. Since then although I do have my babies within due date to 4 days late every time; I have prayed and wished that I could go even one week early. But the L-rd has said no for whatever reason. This pg I didn't even ask and this was the first time I gave it more than a fleeting thought. There is just so much more peace in accepting the L-rd's will and baby's due date on G-d's calendar than fighting with Him about it.     

    I won't list all the places on my body that hurt and ache badly. I am just taking it one day at a time. It's not forever and I can get through it with Christ's help. He has been good to me and my cup is to overflowing...

Saturday, 13 March 2010

  • going ons..

     I have cried today.. comes easier when pregnant.

     Feeling so much more melancholy these days as I ponder the baby coming and my life and relationship with Elohim.

     Contractions coming more often and harder.. lots of practice.

     Drinking rrl tea everyday. Toning my uterus for the BIG day!

     Ready to give birth...can't breathe, can't move, can't get up! :)

     Found a picture with the scripture Matthew 19:14 for the nursery. It looks sweet on the wall.

     Also found two nice bassinet sheets.

     Wednesday night after sitting at Chili's for 4 hours visiting with the ladies from home fellowship for our meeting my ankles were a little puffy. Pretty normal for sitting so long!

     My children want baby to come on my b-day a week early so they can be done with homeschooling for the year. My advice?  PRAY! You just never know what Hashem will do! :)

     We did a family baby poll a few nights ago! The winner gets a big bag of candy all their own!

     Baby Blessings! 

Tuesday, 09 March 2010

Saturday, 06 March 2010

  • More pregnancy comparisons..

    32 weeks now..

    Really been struggling with the stretchy pains this pregnancy..more so than with the last few..I always have them but seems I have them alot more this time! :( I believe this to be due to having much better muscle tone and losing all the weight I did before becoming pg this time. Uterus has to do more stretching.

    I am going to try to find time tonight, tomorrow or this next week to get my nursery curtains pinned! Seems I keep saying it but its not getting done so I am determined to set aside time to do it!! I will post the fabric once I get them pinned..

    Still struggling with the all day sickness again..UGH! Some days aren't as bad as others..

    Every one of us here in our home got the tummy bug last week. It was awful being 8 months pg and throwing up! :( I had shooting pains in my chest when I strained to vomit. It was not fun!:( Can you say OUCH! Not to mention my belly really hurt!! :(

    Baby's heartbeat still remains 150-156. Baby is head down. Feels to me to be much smaller than JaidenNoah was at this point. He was my last baby weighing in at birth at 10.5lbs! But guess we'll have to wait until ahava's birthday to know for sure!! :)

    Heartburn has increased. :(

    No swelling in ankles, feet, hands or face...all good things! :)

    Still have to order a few things for my birth. We may have to buy a new car seat. Have to wash baby clothes, etc.. Figure to start on all that first part of April.

    My b-day is the last week of April and ya know I think it would be SUPER to have this blessing on my b-day!! Don't you think so??   

    Last two pregnancy entries below... They were entered at 32 weeks also. The first is baby # 10, my last one and the 2nd is baby # 9..
    I enjoy comparing where I was then and where I am now..:) :) :)


    Sunday, 19 August 2007

    I bought my birth pool lastnight. This is the one I ended up going with:
    A friend of mine used this and she liked it. And the cost was a big factor too.
    In the next few weeks I will get all of my birth supplies ordered. This time I am going to buy a few things I haven't bought for my last 2 births. It's ok to spoil myself a bit isn't it?? Spoil the Mama!!! smile.gifsmile.gif

    Mon Jul 25, 2005

    32 weeks

    Here I am at 32 weeks now. The baby has picked up in movement a bit. When she moves it feels like she is flipping or something. Saturday night I could feel her head on one side and her feet on the other so I was a bit afraid she would get stuck in a transverse position but she is again head down with her head above my pelvis and feet up by my ribs. I can tell she is growing and getting stronger. I measured Friday at 31 weeks 6 days and I was 29 1/2 cm and her heartrate was 148-152 bpm.
    I had an awful day yesterday. The kind where everything goes wrong. The night before our ac quit. I am not happy about that. A friend of my dh gave him a swamp cooler so he is hoping to be able to make it work for us so I can be cool. I pray it works. Today it is a bit overcast so it has been cool so far and I am hoping it stays that way. We did buy another fan to help move the air in here. It seems to be helping.
    Micah knocked my shelf off the wall yesterday. It was a huge mess! I wasn't too happy about that! :( But I took care of it and got everything back into order. I am looking forward to the 4's just so we can be over these wild 3's. UUUGGGHHH!!
    A friend of mine is about ready to have her baby so I ran her a few boxes of baby clothes. I really enjoyed helping her. Hashem has been so good to me so that I can bless others! :)
    We are waiting for ADONAI; he is our
    help and shield. For in him our hearts
    rejoice, because we trust in his holy
    name. May your mercy, ADONAI, be over
    because we put our hope in you." Psalm

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