Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley Apr.-May 2010

Sunday, 09 May 2010

  • tears..

    I keep praying..we all do and still no baby...

    I feel like I am stuck here in this place of worry and wonder and waiting and it's never going to end.
    Especially since I have my babies by now and this one is still inside..

    This week I am going to try to plan things each day to keep me and the children busy for at least some of the day! I can't sit here one more day wondering if I will someday be able to walk without pain or see my feet again or lose all the extra weight and feel good again..

    I love this baby! I want to have a healthy baby and having an extremely post date baby worries me as it has never happened before and I certainly don't understand the reasons why it is happening now...

    My dh says every baby is different and every pg is different...I suppose but most women have a normal and my normal is long gone as the days go on and no baby...just more worry..
  • my worries and thoughts..(private)

    I am struggling so very much right now. I have never went beyond 4 days late and now am one week late.

    I no longer listen to anyone when they say oh, it will be by such and such a date or not much longer. I have absolutely no feelings whatsoever that this baby will be born anytime soon! 
    My dates aren't off. I was cycling regularly and had an u/s at 13 weeks also. It's not that...

    Did my body forget how to do this? Is something preventing labor from starting? is everything okay? Is something wrong?
    These thoughts are plaguing me.

    Tried castor oil last night to no avail. No real labor! So now I am going to begin doing evening primrose oil hoping that it will help efface and dilate my cervix even more...
    My dh checked me and believes I am at least a 5 but I am having a hard time trusting his guess...I think thats far enough along that the castor oil should have worked and something should be happening.

    I just feel like nothing is going on up in there..Am I even dilating at all?? Well, I guess I am...yes in my 39th week I was able to reach my cervix and it was at least a 3-4 already...and soft like my lips..ya so something is happening.
    Tried to check again today and could not reach it. It has gone way up which is a good sign too!
    Maybe this leaves me a little encouraged but not alot!

    I keep praying..we all do and still no baby...

    I feel like I am stuck here in this place of worry and wonder and waiting and it's never going to end.
    Especially since I have my babies by now and this one is still inside..

    This week I am going to try to plan things each day to keep me and the children busy for at least some of the day! I can't sit here one more day wondering if I will someday be able to walk without pain or see my feet again or lose all the extra weight and feel good again..

    I love this baby! I want to have a healthy baby and having an extremely post date baby worries me as it has never happened before and I certainly don't understand the reasons why it is happening now...

    My dh says every baby is different and every pg is different...I suppose but most women have a normal and my normal is long gone as the days go on and no baby...just more worry..

Monday, 03 May 2010

Sunday, 02 May 2010

  • due date..

    No baby...still in my womb..
    I am due today..but what does that mean really? Baby comes when baby is ready! I am praying for our little ahava to be in my arms and suckling at my breast by this time next weekend which of course is Mothers Day!!


    Blessings come in many shapes,
    In sizes large and small,
    But a brand new little baby
    is the sweetest of them all.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

  • updated belly pics..

     updated belly pics..

    39 weeks 3 days-today..

    When are you coming dear baby blessing? Mama is so anxious to hold you and meet you and kiss you all over!! We are ready for you! Please come soon!!

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