Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley January 2010

Monday, 18 January 2010

  • protected reader list..

    I have decided after much thought to make some of my posts that deal with things I would rather not share with the entire world, protected..
    SO..if you want to be on my protected reader list so that you can read those posts please comment and let me know and I will add you...

    if you don't want to read every post then don't comment and you can still read just the ones I post as public..

    it's up to you..:)

Sunday, 17 January 2010

  • feeling it..

     I can say that I feel alone with our birth choices..the way we choose to birth not many others here around me that birth as we do..
    I know they are out there but why can't they live next door?

    Ya, I know we all feel alone sometimes in one way or other...just wish it would skip me or at least wait until I am not pg anymore... sigh...

Thursday, 14 January 2010

  • baby feeling..

    I am headed to the shower before I head out with my friends to panera bread tonite! I can't wait to eat their food! it's yummy! LOVE that place!

    Anyway, I wanted to blog here my wonderful baby experience last night!

    I listened to baby's heartbeat last night and after doing that I palpated my uterus and felt for baby. last night was the first time I have been able to feel ahava so well! I have felt baby before BUT last night becuz little ahava is much bigger now I could feel body parts and it was so awesome! I immediately felt an immense sensation of pleasure and love for this sweet baby blessing!!

    She/He tends to favor my right side although she/he was moving all over last night. I have felt her head down lower on my right side and believing her limbs to be up higher in my uterus.. But at this point baby is moving all over and changing positions!

    Ahava's hb was 144-160 last night depending on movements nad how quickly I could count!!:)

    I encourage all you pg mamas to feel your uterus and baby for yourself...lay on your back, prop up your knees and your upper back and concentrate on what your's a beautiful thing and with practice you can tell what each baby part is your feeling especially as they get bigger!
    It's a beautiful part of pregnancy that shouldn't just be what your OB or midwife does..learn your body and little one for yourself! You will be glad you did!!  It's glorious!! 

    Baby Blessings!!!:)

Monday, 11 January 2010

  • belly skin...

    6 months...........

    ETA: When we took this picture and I got my first look at it I started to cry! Ok, yes I am pregnant and hormonal but there is another human being in there..there is LIFE! It amazes me and I am just in AWE! You L-RD are GREAT!! To YOU I give PRAISE!!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

  • 24 week update

    Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

    I am not sleeping well at night because I am sore; my hips and pelvis, etc..Also because I have very vivid weird dreams...yes those lovely pregnancy dreams! :)

    I am still enjoying my pregnancy so much! I rather enjoy being pg...there is not another time when I feel more like a woman!

    baby is moving lots but still what I would consider a mellow baby...I am not having any clear feeling as to what this baby is right now...wish there was a window into the womb that I could just open at will and take a peak when I want!!...:):)

    Listened to baby's hb last night. It was 156-162 same as usual..

    Not swelling and feeling good! I am tired though so I think I am moving into the exhausted part of pregnancy..hey, I got two good months of feeling pretty normal exhaustion wise..:) But of course I am not sleeping well either so there is that.

    I spent yesterday afternoon crying...hormones..UGH! 

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