Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2010

Sunday, 24 January 2010

  • 26 week update...

    The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take two to three days.

    As I read on a little bit in the email that the above was sent in it said how to prep your nipples for breastfeeding...Yes, I read it and laughed only because I think my nipples are sufficiently prepped for breastfeeding..been doing so for just about 15 years now..WOW! Well, at least one thing I can mark off of my TO DO list...hehehehehe.... :)

    Thank you everyone for your comments. I always look forward to them!! :) 

Saturday, 23 January 2010

  • all that stuff..

     I am tired, tired tired! And don't forget emotional, cranky and just down right impatient!

     The waddle has started. Along with not being able to hold it for too long... good thing there are lots of bathrooms everywhere!

     And tummy trouble too! I have this same thing when not pg...but it's made worse when pg..I just wish I knew what it was from because I'm telling ya it's no fun!! :(

     I know one of these days I am going to fall asleep right here at my desk..I hope I don't hit my head too hard!

     And did I mention I love my TUMS??!! Yes, the heartburn has started..

     My hips and pubic bone hurt..I love soft places to sit!

     BUT I still love being pg!

     Mama loves you sweet baby blessing! :) I love every movement you make! You are another treasure from the L-rd above!

     (ok, I got to go ahava is kicking my bladder! Didn't I just go potty 5 minutes ago?? )

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

  • Oh dear Oh dear...

    For some reason the lovely Sciatica pain has begun in my left leg..It's been going on all week and is making it very hard to even walk. My leg gives out on me and I can't put any weight on it.. Oh Dear! I hope the chiro helps today!
    I don't want to fall while pg and I am really thinking being able to walk is important..

    Maybe I should invest in a motorized chair just in case?? :)

Monday, 18 January 2010

  • pregnancy comparison

    Comparison of my 10th baby's pregnancy, my 9th baby's pregnancy and of course this current little one..

    Thursday, 05 July 2007 

    My bp is 103/53 and heartrate is 73 bpm. Baby's FHT are 144. I am measuring right at 25 weeks.
    Baby's movement is still on the mellow side but moving normally for him. Having round ligament pain and have been for weeks. I have to massage the area to find relief. Boy, does that hurt!
    I have begun looking at birth pools to get an idea of what I want. The birth pool I do have has a hole in it from our move. Its too big for our small home anyway so I have looked at some smaller pools that I will still be able to immerse my lower half in. I have found a few. I have also been deciding on what herbs I need to buy and other birth supplies. I won't order them until it's much closer but I like to have an idea of what I plan to buy.
    This pregnancy has been going by so fast. I can't believe I have been pregnant for 25 weeks already. WOW!

    Fri Jun 03, 2005

    wanting to do laundry!

    At 25 or so weeks- I have been thinking that I am wanting to do laundry. laundry that is. I have all kinds of cute girl clothes that I want to go through but I am afraid that if I do it now that I will be impatient for her birth. Now we don't want that! But it would be so fun looking at all those sweet pinks and purples! Boy what a dilemma....
    I have been feeling really hungry lately as if I just can't get enough to eat. I don't want to give in and gain too much weight. I don't feel that I have been doing very good these last few weeks with eating the right food. So I want to get back on track again.
    ZaraLayna Grace wasn't moving as much yesterday. She must have been feeling mellow. Hoping today I get to feel her lots more. I so enjoy feeling her kick around in there. :)

    And today...
     I am debating when to begin making my cloth diapers in new born size for this little one. Maybe in March or perhaps sometime in Feb.. ??

     At the 50% off sale at Goodwill on Saturday I looked for a unisex outfit that would work for a girl or a boy but to my dismay I found NOTHING! All the yellow or green, etc. were either very obviously boy or girl..:(
    But I did buy a layette for the baby and we are using it with JaidenNoah first pregnancy baby purchase!

     I always buy a new outfit for baby before he/she comes so will do that soon as I am feeling the buy new baby ahava something itch!!:)

    I also need to go to the Depot to look for fabric for baby blankets..My oldest dd is going to make some baby pj's for this little ahava from a pattern and fabric I have set aside for it. I am also going to be learning to crochet from a friend's dd starting hopefully this week or very soon! I want to make some booties and a blanket and a sweet little sweater.. I want it to be made from mama's hands..with love...

    My stomach is officially smaller being pushed up by the uterus. I can't eat as much at one setting so smaller meals work best.. I DON'T like the feeling of nausea after eating until my food settles though! :(

     I am having those lovely uterine ligament pains! OUCH! Getting them alot and it hurts! I have to stop and massage my uterus until they leave. Yes, just like every pregnancy for's nice to know you can count on some things to never change...OY VEY!

     Will be sending the oldest boys down into the cellar to find my cradle parts..we may need to purchase a few new bolts or screws, etc.. Going to do that soon too!

     I can't wait to meet this new ahava blessing! Although I love being pg I love holding the sweet baby in my arms and taking in the wonderful smell of newborn babe much more!! 

  • Unassisted Childbirth Statistics

    Unassisted Childbirth Statistics

    As many of you know, I have been collecting statistics from women who have given birth unassisted, at home without the aid of a doctor or midwife.
    Although I am still going to be collecting information for quite a while there are those who have asked to see periodic summaries of the information I have gathered so far.  Here is a summary that is current as of:      Dec. 1, 2009
    Number of Total Births =  264
    Average #weeks gestation at time of birth =   40.35
    35 weeks      .49%
    36 weeks    1.99%
    37 weeks    2.96%
    38 weeks    5.47%
    39 weeks  15.42%
    40 weeks  34.82%
    41 weeks  19.40%
    42 weeks    5.97%
    43 weeks    7.96%
    44 weeks    1.49%
    Unknown    3.96%
    Lowest Birth Weight  5 lb 7 oz
    Highest Birth Weight  12 lb 0 oz
    Received Medical Prenatal Care   53.23 %   Average # prenatal visits   4.63
    Performed Own Prenetal Care      46.76 %
    Low Risk     High Risk      Moderate Risk
      54.22%        18.40%           27.36%
    Transported To Hospital    8.45 %     Before Birth  After Birth
                                                                 4.97%         3.48%
    C-sections required  .99% (2 out of 201) This is less than 1%
    Hospital C-section rate averages 22 to 25%
    Had Newborn Examined By Doctor After Birth     44.27 %
    Newborn Complications requiring emergency transport   0.00%
    Infant Mortality  0.00%
    Average Age of Mother   28.63
    Youngest Mother  19
    Oldest Mother  42
    Attempted/Failed UC   .99 %
    Taken from

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