Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley Feb. 2010

Saturday, 06 February 2010

  • It's done!

    Well, we got the knobs! I love it!! :)

    It turned out so sweet! :)
    This is the part of my pg that I start having a harder time walking and with my lower back. It's been hurting so much more. I know the chiro is helping but I still ache. My dh says I should just use a motorized chair when we go to the store..uh..I am not to that point..LOL! :)

    Thinking baby is head down at least today..hicccups down by pubic bone..this baby is still moving all over but she/he has time so no worries..

    I bought fabric to make curtains for the nursery. It is such cute fabric too! I am so excited about how cute and sweet this nursery will be!
    Still working on my huge crocheted blanket...I don't know if it will be finished by the time baby is born...I am trying..
    I am not sure if I am going to make my newborn dipes or just buy some gently used newborn cloth dipes..I am debating...

    Baby Blessings!!

Friday, 05 February 2010

Thursday, 04 February 2010

  • Joy, anticipation & excitement!!

    As I have been rereading some birth books, etc.. one thing that keeps going over and over in my mind is how we perceive labor and birth. I think it is this which makes the biggest difference in how our births turn out. I know for me I look forward to labor and birth with much joy and excitement! I don't look ahead with fear and trepidation. I am not anxious or worried. I am like all pg mamas who have those awful scary thoughts come about birth but I give those over to my Saviour and bring them captive. I don't have to go there and let fear make my decisions for me. 

    When I was pregnant with my last baby JaidenNoah each night I would lay in bed and fear would just literally engulf me. After many weeks of this Elohim spoke to me and told me that I was never to let fear make my decisions for me. Not to base my decisions on fear. So many woman make birth choices because of what they fear..yes there are real reasons to make some of the choices we do but so often it's not a real issue but just one based on fear and what ifs which are a by product of fear.    

    This pg what I have struggled with is fear over my pg. It started because of my miscarriage back in March 2009. Then when the first trimester had ended and the fear should have also ended it did not and stayed with me. It wasn't until I voiced out loud to another mama my fears and worries that I was able to begin to give these thoughts and fears to Yeshua. Now these fears have released their hold and I am again able to give it all to Him. 

    I am continuing to look forward to my labor and birth with anticipation, joy and excitement! 
    These last few weeks I have been planning my birth plan and how I want things handled. I want an intimate birth with my manly man and our baby. This baby was made with love and I want it to enter this world in love surrounded by the two people it came from... I don't want anyone else to be the one to touch my baby first. He/She should be touched first by his mama and daddy.. 
    I want the birth to be gentle and the lights to be low. The baby entering this world in an atmosphere of peace and a home filled with the love of the Saviour!    
    Josiah our oldest son will be cutting the baby's cord.. 
    We're planning a waterbirth again but I always go with how I am feeling and sometimes water doesn't feel right so I leave that up to my discretion..

    The braxton hicks have picked up lately..they feel harder than normal bh as I usually don't feel any bh much anymore but feeling these ones. 

    I am getting so excited as the end approaches. I can't wait to hold this new bundle of love! 
    I have began to drink red raspberry leaf tea everyday. I have brewed it and then placed it in the fridge. Then once it is cold I place it in my quart size water bottle to drink. Red Raspberry leaf  has calcium, vitamins A and B-complex, many minerals - tones the uterus - reducing uterine spasm and improving contractability during labor, and helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage...
    What a great herb given by Father for our use! 

    Soon I will be ordering my birth supplies. I may not need as much this time as I have some from my last birth. Still need to check my birth pool for tears or holes. 

    Need to have the boys find all the cradle parts so I know what needs to be replaced. We are planning on turning our office upstairs into a nursery for our babies; JaidenNoah and the new blessing. 
    Working on the dresser posted about in a previous post. This will go into the nursery! I am excited about having a nursery as really I haven't had one in many many years!! 

    Sweet baby days....

Tuesday, 02 February 2010

Monday, 01 February 2010

  • 27 week update..

    This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and perhaps even sucking her fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother her, so just relax and enjoy the tickle


    They forgot to mention that rolling over is like a workout..and I cant see my feet or put on my own shoes..:):)

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