Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2010

Friday, 19 February 2010

  • Baby Position

    I have been checking baby ahava's position the last few days. At first I was concerned as I thought she/he might be in a transverse lie position but after palpating my fundus and checking over the last few days I have found baby is head down. Thank goodness. I feel baby's head down below and feet up top and boy those kicks are making my right side sore..:)

    Experiencing strong braxton hicks contractions! Especially when suckling baby JaidenNoah. Lovely practice!!

    Doing the bum in the air and pelvic tilts here and there..good for position of baby ahava..helping her/him along! :)

    Feeling more movements way down she/he is trying to punch her/his way out!

    Last night ahava was moving so much I couldn't sleep so I begin to rock my body gently as I lay on my side. She/he quieted down and I was able to fall asleep. I discovered this little trick when pg with my 2nd child! :):)

    Baby Blessings!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

  • free

    Hello again! :)

    I am doing so well with freecycle lately! I was able to get a very sweet bassinet from freecycle. I like to have one as a place to lay sleeping baby during the daytime hours. We cosleep so don't need it at night. It's also a place to lay baby away from little hands..:)

    Today we blew the birth pool up to check for tears. We found one on the bottom of the pool and two pin size holes on the very top. All easily patched! WHEW! I am so glad I don't have to purchase another one!

    Progress is being made on the nursery.. I worked very hard on it last night. I hope to start making the curtains soon and then am going thrift store shopping for baby wall decor, etc.
    I still need to bring baby clothing up and see what I have that is unisex for those first few hours/days until we know what baby is and then I can wash up more gender specific clothing.

    Well, thats about it from here!

    Psalm 139
    13 For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I thank you because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; your works are wonders -I know this very well. 15 My bones were not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in your book all my days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed.  

Monday, 15 February 2010

  • Stats and wanna guess gender??

    I haven't listened to baby heart tones for a bit or checked bp so did that this morning...
    One of the reasons I haven't checked bp has been that I have always had good bp and I have had no swelling so it's not an area of major concern for me.
    And with feeling baby movements all day and night I use my doppler less..

    My bp was 101/58 with heartbeat of 75 bpm.
    Baby's heartbeat was 150-156 bpm..

    Wanna guess what baby is?
    The heartbeat has consistently been higher;  in the 150's-160's.. chinese calendar says girl and although it hasn't always been right it has been alot of the time for me..

    What other things should I list that might give you all a clue as to what baby might be?

    I am baffled with this pg as to what baby is..Usually I have an idea and am right almost every time. But this pregnancy I go back and forth. In the first days of pg I was sure it was a girl before the heartbeat or anything just because I had this inner feeling..then I wasn't sure..then a girl for awhile and then I had no idea...this weekend I have thought it must be a I don't know??

    What do you all think??

Sunday, 14 February 2010

  • 29 week update

    Your baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain — which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester.

    Feeling very pregnant! I am getting very excited everytime I think about how close the end is! I can't wait to meet this little ahava!

    Got a new maternity shirt from Kohls! It was 60% off and it's very cute! Cheap and cute; my kind of shirt!! :)

    I have hit the don't-care-about-how-I-look-just-want-to-be-comfortable phase of pregnancy! And I am learning to eat small portions instead of a bigger meal because my tummy is so small now and it makes me feel awful! And I don't like it!! :( 

    Baby Blessings! 

Monday, 08 February 2010

  • Humility...

    Merriam-Webster’s definition of humble is:
    1. not proud or haughty: not arrogant or assertive
    2. reflecting, expressing, or offered in spirit of deference or submission; a humble apology.
    3. A: ranking low in a hierarchy or scale: insignificant, unpretentious B: not costly or luxurious: a humble contraption.

    4. The Spirit has been laying this on my heart the last week or so..humbleness, humility, the act of being humble..

      I don't want my choice to birth at home to come across as pride or self assurance. But I do want to get the word out to other mamas that they do have choices and to encourage them to educate themselves so regardless of where they are choosing to birth their birth can be the best it can be for mama and baby.

      Yes, I do have strong opinions about homebirth vs. hospital birth but even I have had to make hard choices with previous births, such as my twins in 2002..

      I don't want to be assuming in regards to another's birth and why she made the choices she did. But again if she made those choices because of a lack of education and awareness of the birth process I want to advocate for her and offer her a place of learning and encouragement.

      Also our choices are made because of fear so often..our fear, others fears...I want to offer a place where fear has no hold. Where faith and trust in the body that was created by an awesome amazing G-d is paramount.. 

      Faith has a place in our births as women. Pregnancy and childbirth are deeply spiritual things! It is during these times that if we are willing Elohim will teach us much about ourselves and our relationship with Him.

      Most importantly I want to encourage women that birth is for the glory of Elohim! It is His work in us and nothing that we should be giving a doctor, midwife or ourselves credit for! It is His work alone!

      This leads me back to the original point of this post....humility....
      I want to remain humble while offering these things to mamas. I don't want to be proud or assuming. And I want to continue to advocate and share my experiences but with a meekness and humbleness befitting a daughter of the King! 

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