Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley Aug. 2009

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

  • Hpt's..

    Today's hpt's were quite a bit darker and the result showed up much quicker. Since hcg doubles every two days I am expecting tomorrow's tests to be even darker and show up even faster than Monday's and most likely today's.  This is a way I can make sure that the baby is growing and the hcg is increasing..

    Today I just kept thinking how I have a new life in my womb being knit together by the L-rd; the Creator! What a miracle pregnancy is!!

Monday, 24 August 2009

  •   Early positives this morning at 11 days post ovulation. PLEASE PRAY for my pregnancy and bleeding and healthy strong baby/ies!! Thank you so much..
    I am a bit nervous after my early m/c in March..putting my trust nad hope in Yeshua!!

    Genesis 49:25 (Amplified Bible)

    25By the God of your father, Who will help you, and by the Almighty, Who will bless you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings lying in the deep beneath,blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

Monday, 27 July 2009

  • I don't want to leave my pregnancy blog on that last sad note so here is an update of sorts..

    I am not expecting yet but I am trusting the L-rd that in His time we will be blessed with another baby. I have spent the time since March growing in my relationship with Him and learning to trust Him with myself more and more. I am not perfect. I have my bad moments but I know He loves me and knows the desires of my heart. And with that I have to be content..

Saturday, 21 March 2009

  •  My heart is so broken. I feel like a cruel joke has been played on me! Like I have been teased and something stolen from me..
    I feel angry and wonder why I was chosen to go through this while others seem to skate through life and everything is so easy? Why do some of us have to suffer so??
    I want to go crawl into a hole and just stay there away from the world. It's as if this baby never she never mattered.
    Yeshua gave me a name for her before I was even pg. Lily! So thats her name. Lily...another precious soul taken too soon...just another baby I WONT get to hold...
    I am so angry and sad! I can't stop crying..
    The dr. just told me to do something to not have more. "You can get pg while breastfeeding so you better do something to stop yourself from getting pregnant again" Imagine that! A woman who has 9 at home and longs for more! What an amazing thing that is in this wicked world. Babies are disposable...children are throwaways worthless, incoveniences, burdens, time takers..I hate this world...I am so ready to just be with Yeshua and not have to suffer anymore..I pray He comes soon...
    I don't want sympathy! I want my baby!! I want to grow round with child! I want to get sick and fat!! I want it all!!
    Why?? Please tell me why???
    Take good care of her L-rd!..... 

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