Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2009

Wednesday, 09 September 2009

  •  I pulled out my tub of maternity clothes yesterday.

    I am wearing some maternity now because they are comfortable with my bloated tummy.
    (my camera makes it look like my outfit is stained but it's not)

    and my friend Dawn gave me some more maternity clothes so hopefully I have enough..

    I have had a bit of m/s but it hasn't hit full force yet. It should in the next week or so..
    It helps with the little bit of queasiness I am having to eat and keep my tummy full...well at least it's working usually doesn't with my m/s.

Friday, 04 September 2009

  • Re posted birth story..

    I am not sure why but I never did post my birth story here. You can go back and read all about my last pregnancy and then my baby boy's announcement on Oct. 25th 2007 but not my birth story. I think the reason why was because I posted it on my daily blog and boards. So I am going to re post it here today...:):) (Aubrey was a friend that came to my birth to assist my dh)

    Our sweet little man was born on Oct 25th 2007.

    I had from the beginning figured I would go around Oct. 24th. As my body is predictable when it comes to my births. When the evening of Oct. 24th rolled around I was feeling a bit irritated that baby had not come. Aubrey had to leave Sunday morning really early and I wanted to have a few days with her before she had to leave. Aubrey and I went out for lunch and then to a thrift store that afternoon. I remember telling Aubrey that when it was time it would be fast as I could feel baby bean so low down; ready to fall out!

    My dh came home that evening and after the children were in bed I asked him if he would check me and see if anything was going on. Right away he found the cervix and felt baby bean's head. As he touched it he felt the baby move away. He wasn't able to get a good feel on dilation but could feel how soft and mushy everything was inside. He said I was effaced and guessed that I was at least a four perhaps more. We then decided to try anything to help so we did the bd hoping that might move things along.

    I was feeling restless and my dh and I decided to take a drive to Dunkin Donuts to get some Chai tea I had been craving and to get out of the house a bit. I told Aubrey where we were going and what John said when he checked me and off we went. On the way to Dunkin Donuts I had a very intense ctx. Then while my dh was inside and I waited in the suburban I had another one. I begin to worry that I was in labor and would have to drive home having these intense ctx over all the bumps, etc.. I kept saying to myself, "Hurry J. hurry!" as I waited for my dh to come back to the suburban. After we left Dunkin Donuts and headed home I had two more ctx that felt more like really intense braxton hicks so I assumed that I wasn't in labor just having more practice.

    Once we arrived home I told Aubrey what was happening and went to the potty. While in the potty I had I think 2 more ctx and they were definitely "real" ones. Then when I wiped I had a little bit of blood and hollered for Aubrey. I was so excited! I showed her the toilet tissue. It was time!!!  I continued to have them while in the bathroom. I hadn't timed them at this point but they were coming every few minutes more or less. Aubrey came and asked me if I wanted them to set up the pool. I decided that yes they should as they were the usual intense ctx I have that mean baby's birth isn't far behind. While they filled up the pool I began to pace up and down the hall to keep the ctx regular and coming strong. I wanted to make sure they were coming consistently and were strong before I got in the pool so the hot water wouldn't slow them down. I changed into a nightgown and walked a bit more. I then was feeling a little tired so I laid down on my bed through the next few ctx which by now were getting really strong. I got up and decided it was time for the pool. Before I could get in my dh had to cool it off a bit by pouring some cold water into it. I went potty emptying my bladder and bowels while I waited. I was concerned about my bowels not being empty as I had been constipated alot the last weeks of my pg. I continued to have ctx while in the bathroom. I decided that I didn't want to have anymore ctx while sitting on the toilet. OUCH! The pool was ready so I got in.

    I can't even begin to tell you how good that felt! My sore body felt so much relief getting into that pool! My ctx at this point were about 3-4 min. apart and very strong and intense. It was different for me in that I would have a few really strong ctx and then a few not as long or as strong ones. To me it felt like G-d's sweet mercy. With the easier ones I was able to prepare for the ones I knew were coming. I am not sure how long I was in the pool but guessing not more than an hr. Time has a way of sneaking past and you are not aware as you focus and breathe through each ctx. I would get through each one and then chat with Aubrey, John or my 3 oldest children who were awake. When I would have a ctx I would have to tell my two oldest boys to SHHHH!!! so I could focus as my ctx came and peaked. The last 20 minutes or so I began to feel I could push through my ctx but I wanted to try to let my uterus do the work of pushing baby down so I went through each ctx. I would think on the precious baby I would be seeing soon. I would smile to myself when I thought of holding him and how long I had waited for this very minute and hour. I thanked Yeshua for this labor and each ctx that was bringing baby to my waiting arms.

    I had about 3 or 4 more ctx where I begin to feel I was going to crawl right out of my skin they were so intense. It was with these ctx I decided to go ahead and push. I had been laying on my back in the pool so I turned over to my knees with my arms on the side of the pool. I wasn't aware of what was going on around me. I just was focused on pushing baby bean out. I begin to push. Right as I begin to feel the "ring of fire" and made a small little sound which alerted Aubrey that I was pushing and baby was almost here. I heard her call for my dh who was in the kitchen. He got to the pool right as baby came into the world. He grabbed him and up and out of the water came are sweet miracle. My dh had caught him from behind me so I had to get up so they could put him under my leg. I had them wait a few minutes as I was very sore and couldn't even imagine moving. They wrapped him up with some towels while they waited for me. Then my dd and Aubrey helped me stand up and they put baby bean under my leg and then gave him to me. We spent some very wonderful minutes together in the pool. I was soaking in every inch of him! He was beautiful! His head wasn't misshapen and he was so rolly polly. After the cord had turned white my dd Morgan cut the cord and shortly after that I got out of the pool.

    My pp time was the most difficult this time. There was alot of blood loss. I  hemorrhaged, which we managed at home. My uterus wasn't contracting as well as it always had in previous births. We used our herbal tinctures, prayer, knowledge & wisdom on what to do as each thing arose. As each thing came we learned more about ourselves and birth. We learned how good and true our Saviour is. How He is right there with us through each step and how amazing and faithful He is. And as always I loved my UC. I love birthing unassisted at home and being at home as I recover. :)

    JaidenNoah Eoin was born at home. 10.5lbs  A planned unassisted waterbirth and 3rd VBAC (UBAC); 5th unassisted homebirth.  My little man was born at 1:40am after 2hrs. 10 minutes of labor.

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Thursday, 03 September 2009

  • One for sure way I know I am pregnant besides those marvelous pink lines is the out of breath feeling. I have no idea why I start having this in the first trimester but I always do.  I feel like I do when I have that beautiful full belly but right now I don't. It just starts right away for me. Maybe hormones??

    Uterus is stretching and pulling. Not sick yet..well a little here and there but the m/s has not hit yet but expecting it to next week when I will be 6 weeks. Always starts for me at 6-7 weeks without fail..  Then it will be teaching and mothering from the couch! Thank goodness for all my helpers..:)

    I have decided that I am going to catch the baby this time. I have had 2 hospital births and 7 homebirths.
    My last birth was an unassisted waterbirth. 

Saturday, 29 August 2009

  • Today I went to the annual fall resale at a church in our area. I found some great maternity clothes! Really cute ones!
    I am pretty bloated right away and then it gets worse once the m/s starts at 6 weeks or so so having roomy maternity clothes will be nice. Also I start to show pretty early as this is my 13th pregnancy and I am short.  By the time I am feeling better and the bloating has went down I really have a belly..   

    I also have a tote in our basement that I need to find full of maternity clothes from my previous pregnancies.

    I was able to take a nap this afternoon and boy do I feel better! :)

Friday, 28 August 2009

  • My Journey...

    I have already fallen so completely in love with the babe growing in the secret place.  I have determined to hold precious every day of this 9 month journey. It's such a beautiful part of being a woman.   
    I am a princess in the L-rd's kingdom and once again He has looked upon me with favor! Without Him I have no good thing! 

    I am already feeling my body growing and changing as the pg hormones grow stronger and stronger. As the baby grows stronger! My uterus is stretching and expanding for the new life being knit together within. 

    13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; 
          you formed me in my mother's womb. 
       I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! 
          Body and soul, I am marvelously made! 
          I worship in adoration—what a creation! 
       You know me inside and out, 
          you know every bone in my body; 
       You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, 
          how I was sculpted from nothing into something. 
       Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; 
          all the stages of my life were spread out before you, 
       The days of my life all prepared 
          before I'd even lived one day. ~ Psalm 139: 13-16 (The Message Bible)

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