Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2009

Monday, 28 September 2009

  • I feel like crying...
    I am so looking forward to our new baby and I know all day sickness is supposed to be a good thing but I am so sick all day. I am just surviving right now and am not doing that so well. I don't get many breaks where I feel good and am actually having more bad days now.
    I feel sick when I eat and when I don't. I threw up today but it was more of the dry heaves. Ya not fun!
    I am in my own little world of nausea. I hate my couch! But can't get avoid it as I don't want to move too much or it's just worse.  I feel like I am going crazy. I want to do something but can't. My mind wants to but my body says no! :(

    I just took a hot bath and feel no better. I am tired of the same answer I have to give my dd and dh when they ask me how Ia m feeling...the answer is always the same..rotten!

    And if this is like my other pregnancies I have 3-4 weeks to go before I feel good again! Oh, L-rd help me!!  :(:(

Friday, 25 September 2009

  • 8 week update..

    This week has not been a good week. Monday I was sick all day, Tuesday I felt pretty good all day but got sick Tuesday night. Wednesday I was sick all day but felt a tad better by late Wednesday night. Thursday I threw up twice; first my prenatal vitamin and then about 2 hours later I threw up again. I was then sick until evening when I started to feel better. I was able to go out to Panera Bread with a great friend of mine and have some time away from home and the couch; which has become my best friend. 
    Today I felt better and the same at different points during the day. Right now I feel better. Always still nauseous but different levels of nausea. So I thought I should update while I am feeling better..

    Smells are not my friends! I can't handle poopy diapers or my dh's work clothes. Some smells from meals are not good. I have super nose!

    I can feel changes taking place in my lower belly area. Stretching and expanding. Sometimes these changes can be a little bit painful.

    My belly is so bloated as usual for me in the first trimester. By the time I am not bloated which is when the first trimester is ending I am showing so I give up. I am just going with it and wearing things that allow my belly to grow. It's not my lower belly that has grown though but the upper belly from being so bloated.

    I am weepy and emotional. I can cry at the drop of a hat. Honestly I enjoy that part of pregnancy. I enjoy being able to feel things so deeply. I enjoy being able to feel so much passion for things. All my senses so alive! I enjoy how alive my heart and emotions are. How easily the L-rd can touch my heart. How easily I can learn..

    I am looking forward to the end of the first trimester. I don't want to be sick anymore. It's so hard to take care of my children and homeschool. I am doing my best to keep my eyes on the sweet babe forming in the secret. I am so thankful to be pg! So thankful to be carrying a new blessed life in my womb. Nausea for me is the worst part. Worse than birth or any other part of being pg. I love being pg once I get past the sickies..
    Not too much longer. I am holding out hope that this time it won't last as long and be over in the next few weeks. I will be 9 weeks on Tuesday so maybe soon??! Oh, L-rd please I pray let the morning sickness be over soon..and thank You for this wonderful sweet baby!!  I am always amazed at how good you are to me! Your plan for my life has been good! You have filled my cup to overflowing!!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

  • 7 week update..

    In my 7th week now..
    I am sick with all day nausea. I am exhausted. I have no energy. My body is tired. I want to sleep all day or at least lay around and do nothing. Of course that doesn't work when your the mama of many children so I continue to keep keeping on..

    I am taking progesterone cream and have been since I found out I was pregnant. I want to ensure a sticky baby and a healthy placenta and umbilical cord.

    I am trying to drink lots each day. I have a huge water bottle I try to drink and lemon water which sometimes helps with my tummy. Most days I remember to take my prenatal and chlorella. I just wish they weren't horse pills!

    I am attempting to not fret about my weight gain and trying to focus more on eating right. Now of course I am not doing that perfect by any means. I ate ice cream last night which I haven't eaten in a long while. I am not an ice cream person but I tasted some of my son's Cherry Garcia ice cream he got for his b-day and I was hooked, line and sinker. My sweet dh went to the store and bought me my very own pint. YUM! I don't eat ice cream every day or often but when I am in the throws of morning sickness only certain things taste right! iykwim?? I have been drinking jello water and even eating the jello right out of the bag. I was drinking the jello water for my tummy and then I tasted some dry jello and it was sweet and took the awful taste out of my mouth. Ya, I know weird but again when I am sick only certain things taste right. But I am trying to eat well too. Eggs and cheese in the mornings with toast. And regular meals for supper. I only want soup at lunch so been eating alot of that. It just taste right and feels good on my sick tummy.

    Having stretchy pains as my uterus grows. Still fitting in all my clothes but today while wearing my jeans my stomach would hurt when I sat down in them. They are just tighter when I sit so not sure how long I will be able to wear them. (I had to unbutton them on the way home. Don't worry my shirt was long enough so no one suspected a thing!! :))

    Also it seems that at different points on your foot; putting pressure on them; pressure points; helps relieve the nausea. My son Josiah gave me a foot massage today putting pressure on those points and it worked. I felt so much better. I am going to be doing alot more reading about this in the coming days! 

    Pray for my baby/ies health and mine if you think of us! Thank you!! :)

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

  • My 8th child's unassisted birth..

    The Unassisted Birth of Abraham

    Well let's see.........Friday night I tried nipple stimulation for about an hour which did cause some good contractions. Once I stopped to go to bed they lost the intensity and became hard braxton hicks. I had them all through the night while I slept. I was still having hard braxton hicks when I woke up. I had been having ones like this for about a month though so I wasn't thinking I would go into labor.

    My husband and I went into town and walked trying to get things started. It didn't work because the braxton hicks stopped totally and I wasn't having anything. We came home early afternoon and the rest of Saturday afternoon I didn't have any contractions. I laid down around 4pm to nap and I started having the hard braxton hicks again. Around 6 pm I had two real contractions and after that they started coming every 2 to 3 minutes. They were not too painful at first so my husband and I left to run to get some videos for us to watch as a family and some butter at the grocery store. While we were at Blockbusters looking for videos they started to get really hard and painful. I was holding onto my husband John during the contractions. We left there and ran really quick to the store. John went in and got the butter while I waited in the car. We arrived back home close to 6:45pm. I was continuing to have the contractions every 2or 3 minutes. I decided to get in the bath hoping that the hot water wouldn't slow down the labor. After I was in the bath the first few contractions went to 7 minutes apart but than they went back to 2 or 3 mintues apart and they remained this way for the remainder of the labor. I stayed in the tub for the rest of the labor until I could feel I was going to be ready to push. While I was in the bath my husband got all the birth stuff set up and everything ready for the baby's arrival.
    I got out of the tub and had about 3 contractions and began to push. It took about 2 or 3 contractions to get Abraham's head out and 2 to get the rest of his body out. I birthed on my knees and my husband was behind me.  I could feel Abraham on my tail bone during the contractions. I prayed during the last contractions and felt him moving down so I decided it must be time to push and I did. It hurt worse than any of my other labors because of the baby on my tailbone. I didn't want to push but knew I had too.
    When Abraham was born he was very purple. My husband wiped him up and rubbed him and he let out a little cry. About 5 minutes later I felt the urge to push and I pulled our basin over, gave a little push and out came the placenta. My husband just checked it and it was intact and whole. We waited until the cord turned white and then cut the cord. My husband and a friend who arrived about 5 minutes before Abraham was born cleaned him up and weighed him. They then gave him to me and I nursed him. I then called a midwife friend of mine and she arrived about 30 minutes after the birth and checked me and Abraham. I had no tears from the birth although I thought I had because it hurt so badly when I was pushing but thank God I didn't. I just sat on the floor for quite awhile and rested. Our 6 other children came in and looked at the baby and we all just talked and shared. It was so peaceful!
    Abraham's birth was so wonderful! After it was over I felt like I had accomplished something so amazing!  YIPPEE!!! During the birth God's presence was so real. I told my husband during labor that we weren't alone because God was with us!
    All glory be given to God for my first vbac and my 3rd unassisted birth!
    Abraham Isaac weighed 9lbs. 7oz.  He was born after  3 1/2 hours of labor.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

  • my 9th child's unassisted posterior birth..

    I thought I would post my 9th child's birth story. It was a posterior birth; hard and painful but again we trusted the L-rd and the body He created.
    ( Robin is a friend I had at the birth to help John my dh..)

    Wed Oct 05, 2005

    She is finally here!! My birth story!!

    Early morning on October 4th I was attempting to sleep out on the couch but my teeth were feeling a little sensitive and throbbing with each beat of my heart so I decided to get up and rearrange my livingroom. I did a major rearranging. This was at about 1am. I ended it by mopping my kitchen and livingroom floors. I felt satisfied that everything looked spic and span! I went to bed about 3am again on the couch after taking a tylenol for my aching teeth. At 6am I woke up because of two hard ctx. I went potty and kept hoping for more but none came so I figured it was like all the other times I was jolted awake from a hard ctx only to still be pregnant for days after. I decided to go back to bed. I laid down on the couch. At 6:15am I had the first ctx that begin my labor. The first so many were about 10 minutes apart. After that they went to 2 minutes apart. I waited until they had been coming consistantly for about 45 minutes and went in and woke up my dh and told him I was in labor. He just looked at me and said, "Are you serious?" I think he was pretty surprised. It seemed like we had been waiting for so long!
    We then decided to get the pool ready because all of my past labors had been so fast we wanted to make sure it was ready. I just continued to walk and pace through them. They were still 2 minutes apart. I had seen a bit of pink and knew I was dilating. At about 8am I felt like they were getting pretty intense so I told John I needed to get in the pool. I got in and they stopped coming every two minutes and went to about 10 minutes apart. I figured they would pick back up so I waited in the pool. They did pick back up to about every 2 or 3 minutes apart but they weren't as intense. I finally decided to get out and go potty and see if that helped. When I got in the pool I felt that I was heading into transition but the water slowed it down. I went potty and while on the toilet I begin to have really intense ctx again. I decided to push lightly with a few to see if it was about that time. I begin to do that and felt that it was. I begin to push. I was pushing as hard as I could and nothing was happening. I began to get very tired and shaky from the pushing. I was in the bathroom squatting on the floor holding onto the sink for leverage. John tried to come in but I wouldn't let him. Finally he pushed the door open and came in. He told me to get back in the pool and se if it helped with the pain and pushing. He helped me to the pool. I got in and the ctx stayed vey intense but I just didn't feel right for some reason in the pool. I couldn't get comfortable. So I told John that I wanted out and wanted to go back into the bathroom and push there. I went into the bathroom and begin to push once again. Again nothing was happening. I asked John to check me and see where baby's head was. He checked me and could feel baby's head in the birth canal but still up a a ways. I begin to push again but I had to stop because I was shaking and weak from pushing so hard and the lack of progress. I decided to go lay down on my son's bed. My friend Robin had shown up during this time and begin to do counter pressure on my back during the ctx. I rested through about 4 of them and then decided I couldn't lay down anymore and needed to push. I leaned against the bed in a squat and pushed some more with again no progress. So I decided that I had to rest. I was so tired and wanted to sleep in between the ctx if I could. I also was feeling sick to my tummy, weak and shaky. Just plain worn out...
    I had my dh John and Robin come upstairs with me. We decided to see if we could feel the water bag bulging enough to try to pop the bag and get things moving a bit. John checked me and to my dismay found that the baby's head had went all the way back up. He could barely reach it. He could feel the water bag but it wasn't bulging and there was no way for us to break it.
    This begin my 3 hours of transition. I laid on my bed and would doze during the ctx. They were coming every 2 minutes for 3 hours. They were so intense I truly thought I was going to lose my mind. Robin did counter pressure on my back and after awhile John took over and begin to apply the pressure to my back. They pushed so hard my back is very sore and I am sure bruised. I would tell them push harder. I needed them to push hard to help with the intense back pain I was having. It gave me something else to focus on. While John applied the counter pressure Robin kept her hands on my belly feeling baby's position and if she was moving down. She felt the baby and discovered that she was posterior. At the end of this 3 hours I felt ZaraLayna being pushed down. I didn't feel pushy but I knew that she was being pushed into the birth canal and that the ctx were so intense that I had to push and get this done before I went crazy with the pain. So I got off the bed and squatted against it and begin to push. I probably pushed for about 10 minutes or so. When I begin to push lots of fluid begin to come out. And then right before her head came I felt a little pop of the rest of water bag that wasn't broken. Her head followed after that. Once I got her head out I then gave one last push and out came her body! The pushing hurt very bad. I felt like I was being torn apart. John grabbed her from behind me and Robin and John checked her over. After they had looked at her and saw she was breathing, etc.. they begin to see to me. I hadn't even looked at her yet because as soon as she was out I couldn't move. The pain in my bottom area was so awful that all I could do was stay in the sqauttiing position. Finally Robin helped me sit down against her. That helped with the pain. I begin to cry because I was in such intense pain. And then when I saw her I kept crying. She was here and she was so beautiful! I sat on the floor for quite awhile as we waited for the cord to stop pulsing and turn white. Then John cut and clamped the cord. ZaraLayna pinked up right away. When she was born her color was really good. She also cried as soon as she entered our world.
    Eventually I was up and in the shower.
    We are enjoying her so much. Although it was my hardest labor she was worth it! It was 6 1/2 hours long but being in transition for 3 hours and having her go all the way back up seemingly going backwards in my progress made it a very intense and painful labor. We did it! I did it without any intervention or pain meds. Now I know that even when its rough and things are discouraging I can do it at home. I love birthing unassisted! All the glory be given to God for our precious baby girl ZaraLayna!

    She weighed in at 7lbs. 12-14 oz. She wiggled a bit on our scale so we weren't sure if it was 12 or 14 oz but somewhere in there. And she is 19 inches long. She has black hair and a great color to her. :) She is beautiful. She is a very pretty baby girl! :)
    Thank HaShem for my 2nd VBAC and 4th UC!

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