Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2009

Tuesday, 03 November 2009

  • Moving baby..

    I felt baby move twice last night when I was sitting still. Oh how glorious it is!! I can't wait until I can feel baby all the time!

    I did walk yesterday but haven't walked may have to be every other day as it's easier for me to get to it that way.. 

Sunday, 01 November 2009

  • 14 weeks 1 day..

     14 weeks 1 day today.

     Here and there I feel movements when I am quiet and resting.. so sweet.

     I am weaning off of the progesterone cream. Just taking 1/8 tsp each day now..

     I walked 3 miles last week which wasn't as much as I wanted but it was a decent start. This week my goal is to walk the mile walk away the pounds each day; Mon.-Fri..

     Still trying to eat healthy and not eat too many sweets and junk..
     Still eating one pomegranate a wonderful!!

     I look pg now. My belly is officially a pregnant belly. ..:)

     Still having nausea and still am not able to stop taking my secret weapon against nausea..I tried but I was sick off and on all day Friday so maybe in another week..

     I really enjoy being pg! I feel very feminine and lovely!

     I found

    Labor of Love: A Midwife's Memoir (Hardcover)

    Cara Muhlhahn (Author), Ricki Lake (Foreword), Abby Epstein(Foreword)

    at our little library today.. I am really looking forward to reading it! I will do a review here on my pg blog when I am finished with it!

    Baby Blessings!! 

Thursday, 29 October 2009

  •  I decided to go in for an u/s to check to make sure it was just one sweet baby as I am popping out so quickly this time.(already have had twins in 2002) And yes it is 1 sweet little ahava (love). No, we don't know the gender and want to be surprised so won't be finding out! (and we birth at home) We are fine with either; boy or girl! Aren't all children a blessing?!! :)

    Here are a few u/s pics from this morning.. 

    So the popping out quickly is from my VERY stretched uterus and this being my 11th baby. I am glad I went because I don't want any surprises at my birth. :) It puts my mind at ease and that's worth something! :)

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

  • a mile and stats...

     Well, Monday I started doing the walk away the pounds dvd's again. I am still having bouts of nausea but I am doing better.

     I walked a mile Monday and then a mile today so 2 miles so far this week. I was going to walk yesterday but after going to the chiro and being so sore I decided to let my body rest.

     I am hoping to walk a mile everyday though.

     We have both boy and girl's name picked out now. I am pleased with both of our choices. My dd Gabriellia had a dream the other night it was a girl. That's her 2nd girl dream. My son Quentin has had a few girl dreams too. No boy dreams as of yet..

     My whole entire body is sore. I am thinking from yesterday's chiro appt. He warned me I would be sore as my body is healing and being put back into place...

     I took my bp again last night. I have white coat syndrome and my bp reading at the chiro's yesterday was high for me. It was 129/77. Not really high but high for my normal. When my bp is being taken at a drs office of any kind I get serious butterflies in my tummy and I know it will be a higher than normal reading for me.   Last night I took a bp reading before bed and it was 107/62 with my heartrate at 69 bpm. So looking good!! I am so glad I have my own bp machine. So glad I know my body and my normal!

     Well, that's all for now..

      Baby Blessings!

Saturday, 24 October 2009

  • Listened to baby's heartbeat today. Range was 160-174. Thinking baby is moving all over in there!! :)

    Am getting fundus measurement of 15-16 weeks. Normal for mama of many :grand multipara..

    I found a pair of pants, a dress and a few shirts at Goodwill today and then Meijer had two maternity shirts on clearance! :) I just need to find some more maternity skirts or pants. 

    Trying to eat well and plan to start doing the one mile walk away the pounds on Monday now that I am having more good days. Well most the time anyway...

    We already have a name picked out for a girl..still looking at boys names...

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