Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2009

Monday, 16 November 2009

  • I am feeling better today about things. My weight gain is not as bad as I originally thought. I reweighed. Although it's still more than I would like I know what to do to keep it at a healthy amount and I am doing it. I have gained alot with several of my pregnancies and then others I haven't gained much at all.

    I do not do the pg tests, the different ones etc.. I choose not to. I trust my Creator with my pregnancy and my birth along with my baby. Also alot of the tests they do are not accurate and give false results. Gaining alot of weight is not always an indicator of a problem. Yes, I realize a sudden weight gain can be but mine has taken place over the last 16 weeks. It wasn't a sudden weight has taken 16 weeks to gain..

    Also any time you are on a diet program such as weight watchers or whatever and you quit you will gain and it will come back on quickly; pregnant or not. It's alot like yo yo dieting where you lose and then gain, lose and gain, etc.. That's the reason I am back to counting points...

    I do appreciate everyone's kind words and thoughts..:) and of course your prayers!!

    I feel great this pregnancy! I have so much more energy. I am more active. I just feel good..     

Saturday, 14 November 2009

  • Scales are bad news!!

    I haven't been stressing about weight gain and just trying to do decent with my eating, etc.. but today I weighed again and then spent much time in my bedroom crying. :(

    I have gained way too much for only being 16 weeks. I don't even know where the weight gain is going as I can still get my pre pregnancy jeans on and clothes?? But I am gaining and I am so sad about it. Not that I am gaining persay but that I am gaining so quickly..

    I worked so hard to get off 75lbs and I will NOT be gaining it all back again!!! So I put myself back on weight watchers; watching my points. I figured out how many points I should have each day calculating in the extra 300 calories I need for pg.  I have done well on my eating today and I plan to continue this way throughout my pg. I am hoping this will take off some of what I have gained and put my weight on gradually...

    I think because I went from doing weight watchers to not doing it has just caused my body to gain rapidly so to keep control of my pg weight gain I have to watch my points.

    Late last night while on the phone for 2-3 hours I walked in a circle around my living room, kitchen & dining room. I didn't realize how much exercise I was getting but this morning when I woke up and thruout the day my hips and thighs have been sore from all the walking I did. Then this afternoon my dh and I took the kiddos and went on a bike ride. It was hard work for me since I haven't been doing it for months what with being sick and pg, etc.. But I did it except for the HUGE hill which I walked up because I couldn't ride my bike up it as my legs had no strength left. I am sore in my lower abdominal muscles where they are the weakest and my thighs still and more. Figuring I got some good exercise in!! Tomorrow I am sure I will be sore!!

    I will let you all in on a little secret...I don't like to walk as an exercise (unless I have someone to walk with and I don't) so doing the walk away the pounds dvd's is not really something I like doing. BUT I love to ride my bike. It's the exercise I really enjoy and I get a much better workout then the dvd's give me. The problem then being that in winter I can't ride my bike and I don't have an exercise stationary bike... so I plan to continue to ride my bike every weekend with my family that we can until it gets cold and snows and then the inevitable will come and I will have to do the walking...UGH!! My thing is I get bored!!  I just love riding my bike and hate's just me!!

    But the first step is watching my points as that in itself should help with the poundage..

    If you think of me will ya'll say a prayer about all of this for me?? Thanks!

    Baby blessings!!            

    Edited to add vitals: 115/66 - my blood pressure and my hb is 75
    baby's hb was in the 150-156 range

Thursday, 12 November 2009

  • cute maternity clothes..

    Today was a good mail day! I got a package from a fellow mama on a board I am on. It was full of alot of very cute maternity clothes that all fit me or will when I am at the end and my belly is at it's biggest..:)
    Wanna see a few of the things she sent??

    A big thank you to the wonderful mama who sent these to me!! :)

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

  • walking and the crystal drano gender prediction

     I decided this week to stop putting off my walking and just do it! So I have gotten up before the children for two days now and walked the mile. Yes, I am proud of myself. :) I plan to do it every morning of the week but keep Saturday and Sunday as free from walking the mile days..:)

     This morning I tried on my jean capris and jeans and I can still get them on and buttoned. I just scoot the waist band down onto my lower belly and it's all good! :) I decided not to wear them though as I think after eating and when sitting they will be too snug. I could tell that my belly has grown and that I have gained weight but being able to fit in them still made me smile. :) In the first trimester I gained more than I had wanted but I am hoping that it evens out as the pg goes along. I am not stressing over it. I know it's not the end of the world and WW will be there when I have had the baby. I proved to myself that I can lose the weight after my last baby and lost 75lbs so I can and will lose the weight from this baby. It's all good!! :) :)

    Today baby's hb was 162.

    And I am still feeling movements here and there! I can't wait until I feel him or her all the time!

    At the chiro's office this morning one of the nurses was telling me about the crystal drano trick. You pour some of your urine into crystal drano in a cup.
     If the mixture darkens to a brownish color within the first 10 seconds - It is a boy.
    If there is no darkening or color change after 10 - 15 seconds - It is a girl.

    I asked her if this was really true and worked as I have never heard of this before and she assured me it works. It worked with her 2 children and her friends pg as well. I may have to try this one out and then at birth we'll know if it works or not. :) 

Friday, 06 November 2009

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