Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley 2009

Tuesday, 01 December 2009

Monday, 30 November 2009

  • Currently
    VeggieTales: Silly Songs With Larry
    By VeggieTales
    see related
    I have been feeling like just being at home and doing something homey; like sewing or knitting which I do not know how to do. (knitting that is) I am going to be looking for someone who can come by and actually teach me hands on. I really want to get busy making something for this little blessing. I think I am also going to make a blanket or some sweet pj's also.

    The baby's movements that I can feel  are increasing everyday. Feeling the baby moving all over in my womb makes it much more real. I not only look pregnant but I can feel my blessing!

    Its truly amazing how a m/c such as the very early one I had in March of this year makes you appreciate being pg! Having baby after baby can be something we take for granted if we're not careful. There is no guarantee that another baby will come. And after losing the last baby I am enjoying every bit of this one!

    Things I am doing different this time around..

    being patient
    being thankful
    remembering to take my vitamins each day
    enjoying my belly and blossoming body
    being laid back and relaxed
    taking everyday as it comes
    allowing myself to be tired
    resting when I need too
    breastfeeding two

    A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.
    -- Author Unknown


Sunday, 29 November 2009

  • What I had to say with my previous pregnancies??

    I started keeping a pregnancy journal with my 8th baby. I didn't write in it as much as I wish I would have and it is hand written. Then with my 9th baby I started a pregnancy journal on CUC. And of course with my last pregnancy I started this pg blog to journal through my pregnancies until I am no longer blessed which I hope is a long time away.

     Anyway I thought it would be neat to post here what I wrote about at this same point in my previous pg's. So here are a few posts from previous pregnancies...

     my pregnancy with my dd ZaraLayna; my 9th baby born in 2005..

    Mon Apr 18, 2005

    18 weeks

    I am 18 weeks two days today. Everything is going well. I am measuring just slightly less than the full 18 weeks. Since I am not sure exactly when conception was this measurement leads me to the conclusion that my due date is right. I have the ultrasound coming up in a few weeks and perhaps I will know even more then. 
    Baby's heartrate is still about 156. Sometimes it is slightly less but usually about this rate. I am hearing two heartbeats down low by pubic bone on either side but took the rates today with my oldest dd help and they were one beat difference counting for 15 seconds. 38 and 39 were the counts. There has been a greater difference other times but I am pretty sure it's just one and baby is moving causing heartbeats to increase or slow down depending. I was thinking twins and since I have had them I was really hoping it was twins again but nope just one. I was pretty sad after I got my hopes up but after praying and realizing that one baby is just as much a blessing I am feeling much better. I prayed for this little one and Hashem blessed me. How ungrateful it would be for me to not be happy with only having one. I have to trust that if He gave me one than it's His will for me. And I can trust Him with that. He has my best at heart!! :)
    I am still praying for a little girl this time. Hoping that the heartbeat rate works again for us as it has so far with all of our children. But I am also praying that I will be able to conform myself to His will. If He blesses me with a boy I want to conform myself to the baby he has for us and accept this blessing from His hand with happiness and gratefulness. May I accept whatever baby He has for us! My heart so longs for a little girl to fill that empty space left when RuthAnne passed but if this baby is a boy than there is a plan for that little life also. 
    I am taking Hawthorn and Gingko Biloba; two in the morning and two at night of each. They will help with blood circulation and heart palpitations. Although I am not having them too often anymore. Also they will keep the blood pressure at a good level. I am not too worried about that as I have never had high blood pressure when pg or when I am not. I have experienced what I have read and discovered to be called "white coat syndrome". I work myself into such a state of anxiety that my blood pressure readings are much higher than normal. This is what this syndrome is. The readings are higher than normal because the person gets anxious before the reading. I get so annoyed at myself. It's so silly and I am hoping that I can get past this but in the meantime I am leaving it in Hashem's hands. Worrying about it does nothing but cause more anxiety. And scripture tells us not to worry but to bring everything before Hashem in prayer and His peace will guard our hearts and minds. Awwww....sweet peace!! 
    Thank you Hashem for this precious life you have given us!! 

    And my last baby # 10; JaidenNoah..........

    Saturday, 12 May 2007
     I wish I could take some time to just go off by myself along with my unborn child and my thoughts. It seems like life has been so hectic and busy that I have had no time just to be a pregnant mama. To actually let myself enjoy each and every wonderful, amazing and sometimes not so amazing moments of being with child. I want to take the time to meditate on this new life growing inside of me and think of all the many possibilities of what this child's life will become. Who will this person be?
     But reality pops back in and I know I can't get away: alone. There are so many little ones needing me here. So many things calling my name.  So I grasp ahold of the small moments when the house is quiet and I think about the baby and the changes happening in my body. I think of my swirling emotions. I wonder when I will begin to feel baby alot as opposed to now and then? I go back over each pregnancy trying to remember when this amazing change takes place. And I pray and ask for another kick and another. I count them each. One, two, three.............. Soon I will be kept awake when I want to sleep with baby kicks.........I know the day is coming and I pray for it.
     Making sure baby grows along with mama. Measuring and palpating. cm tape. 19 weeks. Doing fine with a week and a half to spare..........
     Mamas stretched uterus giving baby lots of room to move. Always a little ahead.
     Back to wondering what will this person be? the baby's color hair?  baby's eyes? The sweet smell of babies. Soon!      

Saturday, 28 November 2009

  • an update..

    18 weeks....

    I am 18 weeks today! 

    I am feeling baby here and there..still not all the time but I know I will be soon!
    Not gaining anymore weight. Holding steady...thankful for that! Eating well and still feeling so good!! Energetic and happy!! :)
    baby's heartbeat remains high..150-156 a girl's hb for me...could still be a boy but so far all my baby's that have heartbeat's in the 150's have been girls.. but either way...:)

    Dh said he is going to try to get a step to put on our van so I can get up and in it easier before I get really big..I told him he better hurry..another month and I will be really big..:)

    Hips and lower back hurting me..I need to get in for another chiro appt. Was supposed to go this past week but had sick kiddos so didn't. I will call Monday and reschedule! My pubic bone has also started to hurt but it isn't really bad and I am hoping for better luck with that this time around!

    Dh and I are planning our Chanukah Feast...I am looking forward to it. My sweet dh is an awesome cook and I so enjoy eating his food..:)

    My oldest dd who will be 18 in a few weeks asks me quite often if she can feel my's cute! I let her of course!! :)
    She will be my dh helper during this birth. It's good for her as she wants to be a midwife and will be starting her studies for this soon. She can use the hands on practice! :)
    I am sad that the person I have had at a previous birth won't be a part of it but I am just focusing on the future and trusting Father's plan. I know He works all things for good..

    Baby Blessings!!

Sunday, 22 November 2009

  • 17 weeks

    I am now 17 weeks...

    How your baby's growing:
    Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

    And what that didn't tell you all is that I am feeling baby move quite a bit! This baby I am feeling really well for 17 weeks which I just love and is also because the last so many pg's I have had an anterior placenta but this pg I do not.

    Baby's heartrate has been in the 150 & 160's..Smiley

    edited to add my vital stats...
    bp 114/58 and my hb is 61 bpm..

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