Monday, August 20, 2012

JaidenNoah's UC Oct. 2007

Monday, 09 March 2009

  • Again?

    Could this really have happened again?
    With my 9th baby I had a full cycle and found out I was pg on the 10th day of that cycle. I conceived shortly before my cycle was due which then caused it to be about 5 days late. It did come and it was a complete cycle.
    Fast forward to the present..
    I am pg now. Got my positives yesterday and had a cycle on Feb. 18 so am on day 18 of this current cycle. I did take a test the day I ended up starting my cycle and it was negative. I took a few more 5 days or so before I got the pos. hpt yesterday but not with FMU and they were negative.
    I am already experiencing some nausea so I am guessing that I conceived shortly before my cycle started on Feb. 18th.
    I just can't believe it happened again?!

    It will make for an interesting pregnancy; figuring out when baby is due!:)

Sunday, 08 March 2009

  • A New Blessing!!

    We just discovered we are pregnant! Number 11 is on his/her/their way!
    How exciting! My children have again been praying for twins and this time are hoping G-d has given them to us. But regardless if it's 1, 2, or even 3 we are just so thankful and happy to be adding a new addition to our family!
    Again I will be birthing at home unassisted! I love BIRTH! It's my passion!

Friday, 27 June 2008

Thursday, 25 October 2007

  • Hi ladies!
    Ambra gave birth to a BEAUTIFUL baby boy at 1:55 am in her birth pool. He weighs 10.5 pounds and is full of rolls and chubbiness! He is nursing great- and Ambra is resting. Please pray for her tummy and the rest of the family as we are passing a bug around. I know she will post her birth story and pictures later. Thank you all for praying for her!!!
    She is an AMAZING mama!!! I am so proud of you Amb!!!
    Aubrey :)

Tuesday, 02 October 2007

  • Yesterday afternoon I listened to baby's hb as I do now and then. I kept hearing baby's hb but it was erratic and irregular. The beat wasn't rythmic and sounded as if it was skipping beats, etc.. I was listening and my oldest Morgan came in and she commented that the baby's heartbeat sounded strange. Then my oldest boys begin to listen and they picked up on it too. So then I called my friend in WY who is flying out for my birth and had her listen and she also thought the heartbeat sounded strange and off. So I decided after praying and thinking on it a bit to go in and get baby checked. I figured it was better than worrying about it. With RuthAnne having a heart defect I needed to put my mind at rest.

    I called my dh and he came home and we went to the hospital. I explained what I was hearing on the doppler and they put me on the monitors and did a nonstress test. Baby beans hb was great and the nonstress test came out really well also. He is fine! smile.gif I also had a few really strong braxton hicks ctx that the monitor picked up and his hb did fine through them.
    So the conclusion to all of this is that the doppler is wacky. I believe its picking up my heartbeat and placental sounds etc and it sure does make baby's heartbeat sound weird. Next time I plan to get the better one even if I have to pay a bit more each month.

    I do feel better and dont have to worry which I dont want to do so close to due day. smile.gif Dumb dumb dumb thing!!

    adding for future reference...

    Posted on MOMYS on Oct..19th 2007

    I was losing mucous plug in small bits and pieces starting about last Thursday. Then I lost a bigger glob on early Sunday morning. Then today I noticed much more cervical fluid and suspected it was mucous plug. Tonight I lost another big glob. Not sure what to think as I have only ever lost my mucous plug where I actually saw it with my first. This is my 10th. Smile
    Should be soon! I am praying. 

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