Monday, August 20, 2012

JaidenNoah Sept. 2007

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

  • I went to the store this morning for Rosh Hashanah and when I got out of the suburban I had to stop and pray and ask G-d to help me to make it through the dollar store and walmart. When I walk the baby moves his head and it hurts so bad I cant move! Not to mention my hips hurt. :( I simply asked that baby would restrain his movements to teh top of my uterus and not his head below. I get those awful vagina/cervix twinges also which don't feel very good. Remember those?? :) All of this combined makes me so crampy and not good!
    Anyway I am happy to report that G-d answered my prayer. As soon as my prayer was finished the baby stopped moving until on the way home. And usually walking hurts but today it felt good to walk and move around. I was ready to go and sit down again and rest by the time we were through with both stores but by G-d's grace I made it through! He is so good even to answer even the simple prayers from this Mama!! 
     And even though it hurts I keep thinking the L-rd for every movement of my baby bean! They are even more precious to me now! Each one of my children's names has been on my lips with Thanksgiving this week.
     I have been having the enemy attack me with doubts this week about my birth. Fears, etc.. but about a month or so ago the L-rd spoke to me about how fears cause us to think irrationally and our thought process isn't clear. He spoke to me about how making decisions based on fear is never wise. When the enemy attacks I remember what the L-rd told me and I cling to Him and put my trust in Him!  He is in control and I am not. That has been the one thing that has brought me peace this pg. Trusting Him and knowing He is in control. Taking my hands off and letting Him put His hands on! When I do this I feel His peace which surpasses understanding.
     I have been doing my study by Elizabeth George on the book of James. I am really learning and I love it. The L-rd is speaking to me through this study and teaching me. I love G-d's word. When I begin to study and read again everyday my spirit feels such hunger to know Him more and more. Not to know His word only but to know Him!

Wednesday, 05 September 2007

  • 34 weeks here and feeling it! My hips are giving me a rough time as is my lower abdominal muscles. Its a shame what Csections do to our bodies! sad.gif

    I told my dh that in two weeks baby bean could safely be born at home. He couldn't believe it! "Already!", he said! This pregnancy is flying by quicker than I have realized! Last night I laid in bed thinking how soon baby bean will be here and wondering and questioning if I was ready. My body is ready and I am excited to see this baby but on the other hand I don't mind waiting a bit longer. For the first time I don't feel ready yet. A big first for me!! I think finally I have hit the " I have a lot of children!" stage! I still want at least 12 but will take what Yeshua gives me. smile.gif I guess I finally really feel it! I feel like I have alot of children and I do!! LOL! smile.gif

    I need to wash baby's car seat cover and order my birth supplies. I keep putting it off. I need to get it done soon. I am not worried about baby bean coming in two weeks as I bake my babies the whole 40 weeks! _wink.gif

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Sunday, 19 August 2007

  • I bought my birth pool lastnight. This is the one I ended up going with:
    A friend of mine used this and she liked it. And the cost was a big factor too.
    In the next few weeks I will get all of my birth supplies ordered. This time I am going to buy a few things I haven't bought for my last 2 births. It's ok to spoil myself a bit isn't it?? Spoil the Mama!!! smile.gifsmile.gif

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

  • I have begun to drink my pregnancy tea; red raspberry leaf, oat straw, nettles & alfalfa. I drink a cup of tea in the morning and a cup of tea a bit before bed. Tonight I as I drank it I noticed some light contractions. Could be from the tea or could just be more practice.

    I have had alot of round ligament pains on both sides of my uterus lately. Must be growing. I was kept awake by them off and on most of the night one night last week. I try to massage them away but sometimes that doesn't work too well. Sometimes rolling over to the other side helps also. A change of position most times will relieve them.

    Baby is really starting to hurt me when he kicks now. Just started this week. He kicks me up by my ribs and it hurts. Last night he was so active and hurting me so much that I did the trick I have done with all my babies. I began to rock my body back and forth to put him to sleep. It worked and within a few minutes he had calmed down and I was able to relax and go to sleep. smile.gif
     Bp is 99/56 my hr is 77. FHT are 136. And after movement 144.

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