Monday, August 20, 2012

JaidenNoah 2007

Wednesday, 18 July 2007 I have been so low on energy this pregnancy and have long suspected I was anemic. I am not sure why it took me to almost 7 months pregnant to do something about it!?? Maybe becuz I have been feeling so lazy and have no energy?? This past Saturday I went to the mall in WIlkes-Barre to get some Chlorella. I ended up getting some Spirulina. I am already feeling better after only 5 days of taking it. I also have begun to try to walk a mile at least 3 times a week. I was walking 2-4 miles each day before I got pg but then I became pg and was so sick and well the rest is history. It's hard for me to do it but I plug on and keep doing it. I am doing it to begin to prepare for my labor and birth as I believe the walking will make my labor and birth easier. I still need to pick up some baby boy clothes for the winter season for this baby bean. I will be hitting the thrift stores as it gets closer to fall. public10:59 AM28 Views4 eProps2 Commentsemailedit Monday, 16 July 2007 Some new belly pics to share......... protected12:12 PM8 Views2 eProps1 Commentedit Thursday, 05 July 2007 My bp is 103/53 and heartrate is 73 bpm. Baby's FHT are 144. I am measuring right at 25 weeks. Baby's movement is still on the mellow side but moving normally for him. Having round ligament pain and have been for weeks. I have to massage the area to find relief. Boy, does that hurt! I have begun looking at birth pools to get an idea of what I want. The birth pool I do have has a hole in it from our move. Its too big for our small home anyway so I have looked at some smaller pools that I will still be able to immerse my lower half in. I have found a few. I have also been deciding on what herbs I need to buy and other birth supplies. I won't order them until it's much closer but I like to have an idea of what I plan to buy. This pregnancy has been going by so fast. I can't believe I have been pregnant for 25 weeks already. WOW! public6:10 PM8 Views6 eProps3 Commentsemailedit Friday, 22 June 2007 We are changing baby's name but aren't telling anyone until the naming ceremony when he is born. :) Brayden Jeremiah is no longer sprouts name. public7:43 PM4 Viewsadd epropsadd commentsemailedit pregnant belly pics!! 23 weeks 3 days!!

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