Monday, August 20, 2012

JaidenNoah 2007

Friday, 27 April 2007

  •  I am 15 weeks 3 days now. Last night as I was sitting watching a DVD I fetl baby move pretty distinctly. It was really awesome!
     The last few days I have been having a little more feeling icky than usual but overall I am doing better.
     I felt my fundus yesterday and it is so much easier to feel now. It's very "there" and firm. It's feels to be right at my belly button now.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

  • We are here in Pa in our new home which we love! We arrived about 12am monday morning and then Monday and yesterday until lunch we spent unpacking what we use and put the rest in storage. OUr home is small but cute! The yard is really pretty and good sized so the children have lots of room to play. I really like it here so far in the mountains! So many trees and beauty around us! smile.gif

    Yesterday was my b-day so my dh took me out for dinner and surprised me with Olive Garden which is my favorite place! It was so delicious. They even sang to me which made me blush something awful and I never blush! My dh just laughed and laughed! We had such a nice time together. It's so nice having him around again! He is the best! smile.gif
    I am finally feeling better. I still get a little sick to my stomach after meals but fine once everything settles. Otherwise I am feeling more like myself and my energy is returning too! Thank you L-rd for that! This has been the most draining pg so far so I am glad to have my energy returning. smile.gif

Thursday, 19 April 2007

  • Ok, well, this morning I wasted my time taking baby gender prediction quizes! The Chinese Calendar said I was having a boy. Then two baby gender quizes said I was having a girl. Then another said it could go either way so I better pick out names for both!! LOL! 
     So I guess what I am having is anyone's guess!! 

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

  •  I am looking for midwives in Pa. I haven't had any luck yet but hopefully soon. I am not sure I will feel right with them or if I want to see a midwife or go UC again but I plan to interview some and make my decisions from there.
     I chose names for the baby. We chose Eden Ellayne; which means delightful shining light. We want our dd's to shine Christ's light to those in darkness and to do so with delight!
     Our name for a boy is Brayden Jeremiah; which means Brave, Exalted one of G-d! We want our sons to be true men of G-d! Brave and exalted before the L-rd G-d!   
     Still sick and feeling cranky! But at least I have more times of feeling better and even good days. The last few days I felt like I had a bit more energy! I really need to start taking Chlorella for iron and energy. Its loaded with so many good things for me!
     I am feeling baby when laying down and when I quiet my mind. Those little flutters are so precious! They are the best part of being pregnant!
     Children are a blessing without doubt!
     My 3 yr. old saw me as I got up from bed this morning headed to the potty and smiled his beautiful smile at me and said, "Good Morning!!" It was so cute and sweet all at the same time! Moments like these remind me why I am so willing to spend months over the toilet and in bed as waves of nausea roll over my body!

Friday, 13 April 2007

  •  I am sore! I know my uterus is growing and as a result my body is sore and tender. I am also so tired. Growing a life inside of your body takes so much energy. I can't believe how tired I am! Why it still surprises me I am not sure?
     I haven't been able to find any midwives in the area we are moving to in Pa. so I am thinking I may be ucing again. I haven't made any final decisions yet.
     Next Sunday we move our home in MI to our new home in Pa and begin a new chapter of our lives. I am excited but I also feel drained too just thinking of it!
     I am still sick and I keep wondering when if ever I will feel better?? How much longer can I keep going on feeling like this?? I am so thankful for my children who do so much to help me. My oldest dd has taken over all of cooking for each meal. And my other children help where I direct them too. They have done so much of the packing as I gave orders and directions from the couch.
     I just want that mama inside to be able to come out again! She is anxiously awaiting the days when she feels good again and she can be the mama she wants to be!   
     14 weeks on Monday!

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