Monday, August 20, 2012

JaidenNoah 2007

Saturday, 12 May 2007

  •  I wish I could take some time to just go off by myself along with my unborn child and my thoughts. It seems like life has been so hectic and busy that I have had no time just to be a pregnant mama. To actually let myself enjoy each and every wonderful, amazing and sometimes not so amazing moments of being with child. I want to take the time to meditate on this new life growing inside of me and think of all the many possibilities of what this child's life will become. Who will this person be?
     But reality pops back in and I know I can't get away: alone. There are so many little ones needing me here. So many things calling my name.  So I grasp ahold of the small moments when the house is quiet and I think about the baby and the changes happening in my body. I think of my swirling emotions. I wonder when I will begin to feel baby alot as opposed to now and then? I go back over each pregnancy trying to remember when this amazing change takes place. And I pray and ask for another kick and another. I count them each. One, two, three.............. Soon I will be kept awake when I want to sleep with baby kicks.........I know the day is coming and I pray for it.
     Making sure baby grows along with mama. Measuring and palpating. cm tape. 19 weeks. Doing fine with a week and a half to spare..........
     Mamas stretched uterus giving baby lots of room to move. Always a little ahead.
     Back to wondering what will this person be? the baby's color hair?  baby's eyes? The sweet smell of babies. Soon!     

Thursday, 10 May 2007

  •   Blood pressure was 101/56 and my heartbeat was 75 tonight. Things are looking good.
     I am having a sugar craving but have nothing to take care of it. No fruit or anything. We desperately need to go to the grocery store.

Monday, 07 May 2007

  •  I am going to call and schedule an appt. at Womb With A View. They have packages depending on what you want. The do u/s that are 3d-4d. They make up a video for you. I can't wait to have it and let the children watch it. I know they will be so delighted! :) I am also hoping to find out the gender of baby # 10! :)
     I am beginning to be itchy on my belly. Just another sign my uterus is growing. I also am starting to actually feel baby in there. Not by movements but feeling that there is a baby in my uterus.
     I still look very pregnant. I am wondering how BIG I am going to get with this one?
     I am also starting to feel a bit uncomfortable now and then. I know its only going to get worse......

Wednesday, 02 May 2007

  •  I finally got the bp cuff in the mail. An online friend sent it to me. I have taken my bp twice now-last night and this morning. My bp is great! That makes me feel lots better!! It just takes worry off your shoulders when you can take it yourself and know what's going on!
     Feeling baby still.
     I have made my decision about my birth choices. I have decided to birth unassisted again this time. I am at peace with this and am getting excited about this birth and the rest of my pregnancy!

Sunday, 29 April 2007

  •  I haven't felt baby much lately. I have been busy but I did feel baby once this week while watching a movie. At church this morning I started to have a panic moment so I begin to pray and ask the L-rd to please let me feel baby. And later on this afternoon I have been feeling baby lots. The movements are getting stronger! Its so awesome!
     I saw a brand new baby girl today at church and it made me so excited to be pg and meet this new little blessing in Oct. It has taken me a bit longer to get excited about this baby after being sick for months but finally it's coming. :) Its finally becoming "real" to me!

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