Monday, August 20, 2012

JaidenNoah 2007

Thursday, 12 April 2007

  •  Well it's a ................................BABY!!! It's a sweet precious new life and yes it's just one. :) I guess after all these babies my uterus stretches lots easier and everything feels different and my belly just looks lots bigger than I am. :)
     Everything looked good with baby. Heart rate was 161. I am thinking girl more and more but we shall see....... 
  •  This morning I ate some scrambled eggs with cheese and drank a glass of oj. I bought the low acid hoping that would help but I still feel really awful. I won't be surprised if the oj doesn't stay down. :(
     My appt. yesterday went well. The Dr. was really nice and funny. He was an older man and was telling me about the Amish family he sees that has 14 children. He told me that I need to hurry up and catch up to them. When I was leaving he told me that he is curious to see if it's twins. Then as he was walking away he turned around and said, "hey, maybe it's triplets.""Then you would only have to have one more to be caught up!"
     My u/s is this afternoon. I decided to get the complete u/s while I am there and make sure baby is ok. I still think it's just one but whatever or however many it is is fine with me. One, two or three babies is a wonderful blessing! I am looking forward to seeing baby though.

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

  •  I am heading to my appt. soon. This is the initial appt. before my u/s tomorrow. They will be getting my history today. That should be interesting. :)
     I did decide to get the u/s as I always really enjoy seeing baby on u/s and knowing she/he is ok. I know there are so many different opinions on u/s and if they are safe or not but I tend to stay away from these arguments. I leave this in the L-rd's hands. I suppose after losing my sweet RuthAnne at a month old I like knowing that my babies are doing ok in there and development is progressing normally.
     I am so tired. I am so looking forward to the time when I have energy again and when my tummy stops feeling so sick and nauseated all the time. I know the day is coming.
     I know I said I thought it was a boy but I have to say that here I am at 13 1/2 weeks and still sick, still throwing up. I never gt this sick with boys. But I do with girls and it lasts until 17 weeks usually.So perhaps my first thought of what baby is is wrong? Well as the pregnancy continues I will have a better idea. :) I will guess again later on....   

Monday, 09 April 2007

  •  I am feeling baby move. After so many pregnancies I usually feel my babies move pretty early on. I feel the baby when I am quiet and sitting still or laying down. I just love it! It reminds me that I am REALLY having another baby! I guess with life so busy I forget sometimes or don't think about it as often as I did with my first 3 or 4. Then I have moments like today where it hits me that I am having a baby and that there is really a baby in my womb growing and being formed by the Creator's hand. It's an awesome thing to be an instrument for the Creator's use! We are so blessed as women to have life in our bodies!
     I think being a woman is a beautiful thing! We should glory in being feminine! We should glory in being women. Let us never forget what amazing things we are capable of. We nurse and nurture children with our breasts and life grows in our wombs. It's an amazing gift!
     I never feel more like a woman then when I am pregnant! I notice that pregnancy makes total strangers feel more compelled to be more polite and to help when they see you in need. Men will open doors for you and go out of their way to help lift and carry. Even human nature tells us that being a woman with child is special and wonderful! We are art in the Master's hand painted on His canvas.        

Friday, 06 April 2007

  •  I want to put a poll here on my blog;
     Do you think I am going to have twins? Yes or no. Why or why not??

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