Monday, August 20, 2012

JaidenNoah 2007

Friday, 06 April 2007

  •  Good morning!
     Did I mention that I am still nursing my 18 month old. I really wanted to wean her since I have been feeling so sick but the last few days I have been feeling a little better about it. And since we do baby led weaning in most cases I didn't feel right about weaning her when she isn't ready for it.  She loves her mommys milk!
     I have nursed through quite a few of my pregnancies and then tandem nursed my children. I love having an expert nurser and a newborn as the older child really helps with engorgement. :) I know at the end of this pregnancy I will be glad that I continued nursing her.

Thursday, 05 April 2007

  •  I am not liking the worry over weight gain.
     I have never been one to worry over how much weight I gained while pg. When I UC it's nice becuz I can enjoy my pregnancy without stressing over how much I have eaten or how much I have gained this month or whatever. Uc is looking more like I what I may end up doing. It is much more relaxed without any interventions and much less stress from any corner. But, how I feel today may change tomorrow.
     One thing I do know is that my scale has become off limits. I am going to eat to be full and eat lots of fruits which I have been anyway. Seriously I live off of oranges! LOL! :) And of course vegies etc.. I am not going to stress over it. In my opinion the body is lost anyway and trying to gain approval left years ago after baby #5.
     I do have an appt. through a PA next Wednesday to give my history and then hopefully they will schedule a u/s for the next day. This is to see if their are twins in there. But , I have been struggling with feeling foolish for even getting the u/s as I don't feel it's twins. But, then again isn't better to make sure? Also they will bill me for the u/s which is 80$. Not a huge amount but still something we have to pay out of pocket. I told my dh about it last night and he just told me he wasn't sure if we could afford it? Still no definite decision has been made. I guess I will need to decide what I want to do before Wednesday.

Wednesday, 04 April 2007

Tuesday, 03 April 2007

  •  I had an appt. with a midwife here today. I heard little baby's heartbeat. That is always sweet to hear. It's also a relief!
     I had a scare and thought I had gained WAY too much this early in the pregnancy but after weighing myself on the scale I realized my scale is off 11lbs. so my weight gain is ok.
     Uterus is measuring 14 weeks so measuring alright.
     I already know what it is! Call it mama's intuition. It's a boy! This will be my 6th boy! :)
     I am not feeling well today. :(   

Monday, 02 April 2007

  •   I cry a lot! Over everything! Even stupid commercials on TV. I mean really! 
      My pubic bone is hurting already. This is early. Usually it doesn't hurt until I am bigger and in my last 3 months.
     The librarian that hasn't seen me in a month or so was eyeing me and my belly today. Trying to figure out, is she fat or pregnant?? Let's vote for pg! LOL!  It's either that or the Good Year Blimp has arrived in our town.
      Today was a better day for my bloated tummy. I only felt sick some of the day and my gagging was down too! Things are looking up!
     Oh- have you heard the new study done on weight gain in pregnancy? Those women who gained more than recommeneded in pregnancy had children who were obese or overweight as a toddler. What?? I have gained alot with a few of my pregnancies and NONE of my children have been overweight or obese. I think they are just trying to ruin all the fun pregnant women have when eating! So here is my opinion..............ptthhththththt!!!! (tongue sticking out)

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