Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday April 1, 2007- JaidenNoah

Sunday, 01 April 2007

  •  This is my first journal entry. I like to keep a journal of my time as a pregnant mama during each pregnancy.
     This is my 10th baby.

     I have had all sorts of births and feel that I have accomplished what I set out to as far as my births are concerned. I was going to have a midwife for this birth but now I am not sure what I want to do.

     Let me give a bit of history.........................
     I have had 6 homebirths with 3 of those being unassisted & 1 vaginal birth at a hospital and one csection.
     #1-vaginal birth at hospital
     #2-homebirth with a midwife
     #3-homebirth with a midwife
     #4-homebirth with a midwife
     #5-unplanned unassisted homebirth; dh caught baby
     #6 & 7- c-section for twins
     #8-planned unassisted birth; daddy caught baby
     #9-planned unassisted birth; daddy caught baby
     This time I haven't decided for sure what I want to do? But I have time. :)
     I am currently 12 weeks tomorrow. I found out I was expecting on my 12th anniversary; Feb. 11th at app. 5 weeks. I had one episode of slight bit of blood after intimacy at 8 weeks. Nothing since then. (thank goodness!!)
     I have been sick since 7 weeks, throwing up and lots of nausea. Very bad. My couch and throw-up bowl are my best friends! LOL! :) I think it may be getting better but I don't want to speak too soon, ya know.........
     My children have been praying for twins. My son Quentin had a dream I had twins; a boy and girl. We'll see what Christ has in store for me. :):)
     My dh has felt my uterus up above the pubic bone since last weekend. Thats always exciting!
     Did I say I was feeling better? Well the verdict isn't in yet! :(

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