Monday, August 20, 2012

Fertility and issues 2011

Monday, 18 July 2011

  • vit. B6

    Today is day 20 of my cycle and still no ovulation. 
    I started taking 100mg of vit. B6 to help with my luteal phase as it's very short. Now I am not ovulating..
    I found a few things online that point to this having happened to other either it's delaying my ovulation or I will not ovulate at all. So I have decided to stop taking it and hope I ovulate this cycle..I just heartbroken...I am worried ovulation won't come back and I have really messed things up and angry that I messed things up this cycle...I am so upset...

    ETA: I have continued reading and have read that vit B6 delays ovulation and causes a really long cycle which is what I believe it is doing for me..doesn't do this for everyone but it does for some people..
    SO my plan is to stop taking the vit today. It says it's water soluble so the excess comes out in your urine so you have to take it everyday to keep it in your body. So hopefully things will straighten out with my cycle and I will ovulate here soon..
    This cycle might not be the one I get pg but at least I am hoping I will ovulate here in the next few days and things in my cycle will get back to my normal...Next cycle I plan to only use the prog. cream after ovulation and no vit. B6..
    So we'll see..  

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

  • Well, this cycle I did use my OPK strip tests and my monitor together. I got positives on the strip test and 2 peak days on the monitor. But no pg as I started today which is day 27 of my cycle. My ovulation days were day 19-21. So too close to the day my cycle started. Not enough time to let baby implant. Praying they straighten out this cycle. I did cry and am angry. I prayed for easy and got hard. I prayed for a normal 28 day cycle with ovulation in the middle like day 14 and although the 28 days was mostly answered the ovulation part isnt. I am angry but the Lord told me that my hard is someone else's easy so I am thankful for that.
    I guess just taking myself into consideration I was praying for easy not having to try again and again and again for months...I am so weary of life and having to struggle in every area.
    Well, anyway I am trying to trust in Father and his plan and to pray that this cycle will be normal and ovulation early in my cycle.
    I am considering taking vitex or doing progesterone cream but waiting to see what happens with this cycle and what Father does. I still have some hope...
    Will decide what to do at end of this cycle and how it goes and if I get pg or not. 
    Here is my positive ovulation strip tests for future reference..

     This last one is right before my positives I knew I was getting close! These are from two different days also. And just the OPK strip tests. My monitor peaked also..

Thursday, 02 June 2011

  • Today is day 37 of what I believe to be my first cycle. And it's 7:33pm and I have just started what I think is my 2nd cycle. Wiped and have pink blood although none on underwear yet. Wondering if it will be really light like last time??
    I am going to wipe the memory of my clearblue fertility monitor now so this cycle it has a clear memory and not going by other cycles... 

Saturday, 28 May 2011

  • first pp cycle info and fertility levels..

    This will be kept private as it's just for me and future reference...
    I believe that I had my first postpartum cycle at about 11 1/2 months postpartum. Today I am on day 32 of this first cycle.. (If it indeed a cycle which I should know soon, I think??)
    John and I had sex and I had pink but it increased slightly and turned more red..I did need a pad but it was never more than just 4 was the last day and I didn't really need a pad that day..
    I decided to begin using my clearblue fertility monitor on day 6. I had a low fertility level every day until day 30..I also started weaning Kade on the night of day 28 and have went 5-6 hours or sometimes 7 hours in between nursings which may have brought on ovulation and the fertility levels increasing...I wasn't able to use the urine test stick in the monitor because it was flashing the m for menstrual cycle. It thought from past memory that I was going to start my cycle. So on day 30 when I had a higher fertility level I guaged the result by comparing it to previous urine test sticks that I had marked. Then day 31 my urine stick was again looking to be high fertility. I had reset the monitor letting it think I had started my cycle so it was again on day six on day 31 by having set it the previous day. Anyway on day 31 the monitor read the urine stick as high fertility.
    I also started feeling sharp pains and tenderness over ovaries and lower abdomen when coughing, sitting or sneezing etc..which I thought as in previous years may indicate ovulation..It started on I believe day 27 of this cycle. John and I came together the night of day 27 and in the afternoon of day 30 and then again yesterday evening day 31..
    I am in the process of taking this mornings urine test 32 of cycle...will put results on here in a minute...
    Ok, test done..going by just looking at the test stick result I would have guessed low but the monitor says high fertility level so there you 32 is high fertility...
    Will add tomorrow's result then..
    Still tender in lower abdomen and over ovaries also..
    Praying for a new and healthy pregnancy; a girl or twins..or yes even another boy..:)

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

  • 9 months postpartum

    Finally I am feeling back to normal for the most part. There are still a few things for me that aren't the same as before due to giving birth to such a BIG baby.
    KianAdley is doing great! He is pulling himself up on furniture or anything he can find. He has 4 teeth already. 2 on bottom and 2 on top. They are not so fun for mama with nursing. OUCH!
    I have lost 70lbs to date. All my pregnancy weight and then some. I am proud of myself! Now I can start out the next pregnancy in better health. (not pg yet)
    With breastfeeding I experience lactation amenorrhea; suppression of cycles due to breastfeeding. And as I haven't ever gotten pg without cycling first I am not assuming anything different will happen this time. I am guessing that my cycles will return at about the same time as with my last two nurslings; at about 14 1/2 months postpartum which sounds great to me! :) I enjoy the break from cycles!! I didn't experience this until after the birth of my 10th baby. The difference was that I was nursing two fulltime. It takes two fulltime nurslings to keep my cycles away.
    Here are a few current pics...

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