Monday, August 20, 2012

Cycle and fertility 2011

Saturday, 13 August 2011

  • cycle info

    On my 4th cycle and on day 15. My fertility monitor still said low fertility this morning. Usually I have high readings by now as I usually ovulate by day 20-21. Well, I did before Kade was conceived. So far this time I have had 4 cycles. The first one I didn't ovulate, the 2nd I ovulated on day 20-21. The 3rd I was taking vit. B6 and my ovulation wasn't until day 23-24. Now I am in my 4th cycle and on day 15 and still no ovulation and only low readings in my monitor so no idea what's going on.
    1st cycle was 37 days long, 2nd cycle was 26 days long; 3rd cycle was 32 days long and I used progesterone cream two days after ovulation until my cycle started. No idea what this cycle will end up...
    My luteal  phase has been 8 days at it's longest, which was the last cycle but since I have only had two ovulatory cycles I can't say what normal or regular is yet...None of them have been normal or regular so far..
    In the past they are usually at least 32-34 days long. And before I got pg with Kade I was ovulating on day 20-21. The month I conceived him I think ovulation may have been earlier; day 17-18 going by ovulation pain and when we had sex. But I didn't use my monitor or opk's that month so I don't know..but I don't think it was too far from the 20-21 day mark.
    I am worried about this cycle and I know it doesn't do any good to worry. It accomplishes nothing and I think the worry can keep you from getting pg..I am trying not to worry and I have my moments where I do succeed. And others where I don't. I need to be patient. I have only had two cycles with ovulation so far. Cycles aren't regular and neither is ovulation. I just need to be patient and trust in Father. It will happen and I have to have faith and trust...
    It is hard but I have no other choice unless I want my life to be full of worry and fretting and sadness and anger, etcc..


Saturday, 06 August 2011

  • Baby Name Thread

    I am hoping and praying I get the opportunity to use some neat baby girl names and even baby boy names so I wanted to start this on going baby names thread so I have a place to put them when I come across unusual, beautiful or meaningful names.
    I will forget them otherwise..
    Girl Names
    Marlece or Marlyce...

Saturday, 30 July 2011

  • KianAdley; 14 months old..

    Well, little man is 14 months old now!
     I really adore this age.
    He has started to toddle around on his chunky, but wobbly little legs.
    He really is beautiful and I am not saying this just because I am his mama. Everywhere we go other people tell him and me the same..:) 
    He has in his repertoire some lovely sounds..he can say mama and other melodious noises..
    He pats my chest while accompanying it with the lyrical notes that say "mama" over and over again. Beautiful music to my ears!
    His laugh is cute and funny all in one. When he laughs you can't help but smile and want to laugh right along with him. And his smile, oh my, it lights up the entire room!
    On a sour note, I must make mention of his temper. Yes, sweet KianAdley or Kade as I refer to him can get quite angry. Screaming and throwing his arms about in anger.. But even then I love the looks on his face and his little baby antics. heart
    Let me now show you the little man himself...

  • started cycle..

    Well @ 1am this morning I started my cycle. The Lord did answer my prayer as I asked him to let it start that night before bed if I wasn't pg and I did in fact begin my cycle. I started on day 32 so it was longer which I am thankful for. I am hoping the progesterone and vit B6 helped kick my cycle and ovulation back into gear. But I think I am not going to do the B6 vit until after ovulation if at all this cycle and just see what happens. I don't want it to delay my ovulation again. But I will be taking the progesterone cream again after I ovulate. Praying again for a baby this next cycle...and for an earlier ovulation this time..

Thursday, 28 July 2011

  • more cycle stuff..

    I ovulated this month on day 23..I again started taking vit. B6 and 2 days after ovulation I began using progesterone cream twice a day; morning and night. On day 30 and no cycle..praying hard for a pregnancy and started taking pg tests in the am..Hoping to get a positive test soon! Is day 6 or 7 post ovulation today!

    A scripture or two that speak to me right now..
    My soul, wait silently for God alone. For my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation. Psalm 62:5-6a
    Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord..Zechariah 4:6

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