Monday, August 20, 2012

KianAdley postpartum 2010

Saturday, 11 September 2010

  • 3 1/2 months postpartum!

    Well, it's about 3 1/2 months postpartum.
    I have lost all my pregnancy weight gain! It feels great! I can fit into my clothes again! YAY!
    KianAdley is doing great! He is a cuddly chunky little man. Those babies born within a few weeks of him no longer look much smaller than him. As I knew would happen he is right on with his age group. Wearing 3 month clothing (3-6 mo.)
    He has lost some of his hair but he still has quite a bit! I love it!
    He is very different than our 10 other babies. Very gassy! If he doesn't have a bm for a few days he is so fussy. He is doing things ahead of his age group. Already grabbing things and bringing them to his mouth and then in they go. He has been doing that for weeks now! He was smiling very early and laughing too! He can hold his head very well already and I don't think it will be long before he is crawling and moving all over. I tell him all the time that he is a genius. silly He will be one happy baby once he can move! He is a mover and a shaker! He is constantly moving! Shaking his little arms and legs; especially when he gets excited! It's just the cutest thing!
    He is right here with a full tummy laying on my lap as I type. He is a messy little nurser. Always has breastmilk all over his face. I love that! heart  And boy does he love his milkies! 15 years and 11 babies later I still love suckling my babies! I am nursing 3 right now...yes I gave in and let my 4 yr. old suckle again...but her b-day is coming soon and I have told her that she is stopping for good once it arrives. so a 3 1/2 month old, almost 3 yr. old and almost 5 yr. old..Yep, you guessed it! I spend my days on the couch with babies! They grow up so quickly so I enjoy these days! pleased
    Here is some pics for you..
    daddy hiding behind KianAdley..

Friday, 18 June 2010

  • 1 month postpartum..

     32 days postpartum; 1 month..

    This last month has been a blur..trying to adjust to having a new baby after our biggest space since getting married 15 years ago. 2 1/2 year space and yes I know that to some maybe alot this isn't that much of a space but for us it is. Usually my children are much closer spaced.
    So anyway it is taking me a bit longer to get used to everything new babies involve but while stressful at times having 10 children now to care for I am enjoying my new blue bundle of joy.

    Within minutes of Kian Adley's birth when I held him for the first time and started to talk to him he immediately turned towards me looking for me. What they say about babies; how they can hear mama and will turn towards her voice?; well it's true!
    He has been a mama's boy ever since then. He loves being next to me. He will be crying or rather screaming one minute but the second I pick him up and talk to him he quits crying and just looks at me! He does this same thing when I put him in the sling. He loves being close to me and against my chest.
    There is something special and unique about this baby boy!
    He is so round and roly poly! So cute!! I love his hair too!! It stands straight up off his head! LOL! :)
     I waited 15 extra days for him but he was soooo worth the wait!

    I am still healing but since I stopped going to the awful Chiro I was seeing I have been getting better rather quickly.. guess that doesn't say much for him, does it??  I am still dealing with a few bottom issues and other things here and there but feeling much better! :)

    I am enjoying the tandem nursing alot! JaidenNoah nurses just as much as baby Kian! So I never did have to deal with any engorgement which was sooo nice! My milk supply is really good and everything is going superbly in this area!!

    This time on day 27 I couldn't wait for the day to pass. I thought of my baby girl RuthAnne alot that day and as always was filled with sadness that she only saw 27 days of life.

    Kian Adley already smiles and laughs in his sleep which none of my other babies did this early except my dd RuthAnne.. most likely why on day 27 I was thinking so much about her..

    I really can't imagine not having babies. They make life so worthwhile and pleasant!
    Kian Adley is beyond precious!! 

Monday, 24 May 2010

  • Pain

    I am once again experiencing the awful pain from my pubic bone/ hips and pelvis.
    I was doing so good but as the days since Kian Adley's birth I am feeling worse not better. My bum soreness from pushing out a huge baby is better..(thank ya yeshua) but the lower abdominal muscles are very sore and pubic bone. I can barely pick up my legs and not without lots of pain. I still can't get in my van without help from the handy dandy stool my dh bought for me while pg and even with it it is still painful. And getting out much the same..:(

    I asked my son Josiah today to please pick up my leg and put it up on the coffee table for me as I just couldn't pick it up..
    I had to go get my son Josiah at the horse farm he volunteers at today and it's a 45 minutes drive there and then back..I seriously was hurting sitting on the van seat which isn't even hard. Then when I had to actually get out I could hardly move or walk as my hips just wouldn't hold me...
    I saw the chiro for the first time since Kian Adley's birth today and I am hoping and praying that I get better faster than I did after my birth with baby #10. It took months and months! :(

    I am trying to take it easy; not lifting heavy things; having the older kiddos carry around baby in his car seat, etc.. when we're out..
    I am trying to rest and give my body time to heal as much as possible.
    I am still swelling; my ankles and feet..I didn't even swell much at all while pg but now that I am not I am everyday! UGH!!:(
    I did the same but much worse with the last birth and until my pubic bone/pelvis and hips were doing better I stayed swollen. I am again hoping and praying for the swelling to leave sooner this time.

    And if it is at all possible to become used to pain then that is what I am doing! I had to write the numbers for my pain at the chiro today and I realized just how used to this I have become when I had to really evaluate my pain level..
    Not good in my way of thinking...

     1 week postpartum today...

Saturday, 22 May 2010

  • it found me again..

    I will not cry or be depressed...
    Today I saw myself in photos..5 days after childbirth and all the weight I gained with baby boy Kian Adley is evident. My babies are worth every pound. They are but I don't want to hold on to them..I would like to lose them..
    I know losing weight is hard work..I did it after my last baby..and yes, more hard work is on the way..
    I am going to weigh myself today to see where I am and then at 7 weeks or so I am going to join Weight Watchers again and begin working on shedding these pregnancy pounds..

    WW recommends..
    If you're breastfeeding, Weight Watchers recommends waiting 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth before you start a diet, because losing too much weight too fast could interfere with your milk supply. Breastfeeding moms should plan to lose weight slowly, about a pound a week. This helps make sure your diet isn't interfering with baby's nutrition.
    Make sure that any Weight Watcher's plan you choose is adjusted for breastfeeding. You need extra calories and protein to make milk, and a standard plan won't give you enough..

      I need this time to heal and establish my milk supply etcc and then it's off to weight watchers...but in the meantime I can watch what I eat and try to be healthy..
    Didn't do well today but getting back to it will be worth the effort..

    So I have a plan of attack...
    And hopefully the breastfeeding will help shed some pounds between now and 7 weeks postpartum...

Friday, 21 May 2010

  • Tandem nursing pics..IF THIS OFFENDS YOU LOOK NO FURTHER!!

    WARNING: Tandem breastfeeding pics..if this offends you go no further...:)

    Here is my 2 1/2 year old and sweet 4 day old tandem nursing...I LOVE it!


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