Thursday, July 31, 2014

A peek into the womb and preparation.

Here is my little sweet pea all snuggled in the secret place;

And now we all start guessing as to what baby is? My son Isaac came in my bedroom this morning to tell me he had a dream that the baby is a girl. We'll see....

I'm fine with either. They are both a blessing and so much fun. Each unique..

On another note: After my last pregnancy and birth I had an entire year of postpartum depression. I was not in a good place. I let it go for awhile but eventually I had to seek help and begin to see a therapist. It was a hard time for me. So now here I am pregnant again and I am thinking ahead to things I can do now to prepare myself for/or to prevent ppd again. 
It's something I will be pondering and preparing for the best I can over the next many months.
One thing I know I lacked was a good support system. I had no friends or those who would call checking in with me. I had those who offered help but then when needed backed out. I don't tell you this to ask for pity but just as a note to myself to be sure I know who I can count on and to seek support here.

With ppd support is vital! I learned that lesson quickly when I walked that road mostly alone. I had a sweet friend in another state who would text with me and talk with me often. She was like a lifeline and I am so thankful for her!

And while I am going to prepare or try to prevent I am certainly not assuming I will experience it again. Being prepared is half the battle...but it's not a guarantee of things to come. 

There will be many changes in my home around baby's birth..My oldest daughter has already moved out to her own place. In January my two oldest boys leave for Marine boot camp. So all my big helpers will be gone. It will definitely be a time of transition for all of us. We will need to make changes to make things as easy as possible and to keep our home flowing smoothly.      

Many new things ahead for our family! His grace will sustain us...

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