Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A new baby is coming!

I figure it's about time to let y'all know that I'm expecting another baby.

 Due in February 2015.

I'm 9 weeks 4-5 days depending on the date you use.

Yesterday I found baby's hb. I found a hb on the left side and on the right side very low down above pubic bone.

The doppler I currently have does not have a digital dispaly so I didn't count the beats to figure out heart rate. I did go ahead and order a doppler that does have a digital display so figuring out baby's heart rate is easier.

I know that some do not use dopplers. I feel that doppler usage is up to each individual mama. I have had early losses and pregnancy issues so for me having a doppler gives me much relief and helps calm my worry. I do limit the amount of time I use it just to be on the safe side.

My pregnancy so far has been my normal icky all day sickness. I've thrown up once and feel like I am going to almost everyday. I keep a bowl by my bed at all times. I am gagging a lot and my taste buds have changed. I'm not enjoying things I used to love. My nose is my enemy...If I could draw up new plans for our home I would not put the bathroom by my bedroom! Not a good idea!!

I'm pretty exhausted at this point. Not getting as much sleep as I would like. Up all night using the bathroom instead.

I am on prescription progesterone this time around. It's stronger and easier to deal with than the cream. One in the morning and one in the evening. (200mg) When I first started using it I was a dizzy mess. But that resolved itself after a few weeks.

I am feeling lots of uterine growth. Tummy sticking out already. I know some is most likely pregnancy bloating from my sick tummy. Uterus is beginning to come up above pubic bone. One thing I haven't had too much of this time is the early cramping which feels like my cycle is going to start but obviously never does. I usually do experience that quite a bit in the first few weeks but not so much this pregnancy.

And to add to the fun our electricity is a mess. Our home has to be rewired and so the only room in our home that has ac is my room. Guess where I spend most my time? Also we have no stove or oven so coming up with things to make for our large family has been very complicated. We can use our electric skillet and our camp stove. It's amazing to me how much I rely on my stove. Something I am realizing now that it's gone.

Today, finally, it seems like some progress will be made on getting things started with the rewiring. Thank goodness!

That's about it from my pregnant world! Until my next update...


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