Monday, September 2, 2013

You Be The Answer!!!

I offer my support to those mama's who rally to improve birth in their areas and I salute the midwives who offer their services because they truly believe in women and their right to choice in childbirth.

But, I have a little different spin on what it means to improve birth. Women are still relying on Midwives and OB's to be the answer to the question.  Maybe you are the answer!

 What about teaching ourselves? Becoming responsible for our own bodies; for our babies and our birth?

To me, improving birth means trusting yourself and improving YOU. Gaining knowledge and wisdom about your body. Learning human anatomy and what takes place during labor and birth, during pregnancy.
Improving birth means taking our care into our own hands and never blindly following what any care provider says. It means to step out of the box and walk a different path.. the untraveled path!

Improving birth means facing your fears.

I believe the answers to our questions are right in front of us.. It can be scary, sure, but if you know the answer then you know "knowledge is power"!

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