Monday, May 6, 2013


As I sit here holding my sweet baby girl I wish other mama's could know the joy I have known. The way my births have shaped me as a person, as a mother.

I long to tell them how important their birth story will be. How important the journey is!

Unassisted birth has given me a freedom. A freedom for my body to work as it was meant to. My soul to linger in hope and anticipation. The awaited birth of a new child. What sweetness it brings!

I wish more mama's knew that they can trust their bodies. They can trust how they were created by a loving Creator. They were created for beauty! Women are life-givers! Life flows from our wombs..

I will share with my daughters the life giving force that is within them. The Father who created them to bear new life. Who will intimately design their children in the secret place.

You, my sweet Aibhlinn-Nylia will know you are special, you are destined for beauty, and for life! You will know the value of your ability to be a life-giver. The trust given to you by the One who made each unique part. The sum of them all coming to culmination in the moment you look upon your newborns face.. Yes, you will know and walk in confidence..You are woman!  

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