Monday, January 21, 2013

Hope and Well-Being

39 weeks today and my most recent pic...

We took a nice walk yesterday, breathed in the fresh air. It was in the 60's and so beautiful outside! 

My oldest dd took some lovely memory photos...

Such beauty in Elohim's creation! The same as this babe in my womb who I will hold in my arms soon. My sweet man sent me a text message today reminding me of this exact thing. Soon she will be in my arms. Soon she will be at my breast...SOON!

Yesterday I lost a little bit of my mucous wasn't alot but it was something...every little bit helps give me hope and a realization that I will not be pg forever. 

I am trying to keep foremost in my mind that Father sees the whole picture and to allow Him to work out in me whatever He is doing. Jeremiah 29:11 says:

For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai,‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11

His plans for me and this baby are for good things...a future and HOPE! 

I am using EPO to help with effacement and dilation. I have had great success with it in previous pg's. There is controversy as to whether using EPO is beneficial or not. To some it is and to some it's not...I still stand with my birth MANTRA: 
My birth My choice! 

So, I am resting in His plan the best that I can...still taking it one day at a time.. and literally resting my physical body as I need too. My body needs the rest as I get closer to Labor Day. 

Also trying to finish up a few things around my home that I need to do also..

washing front window curtains
cleaning up my room and making space for the birth pool
ordered another fish scale as the 1st one I ordered didn't weigh in ounces...OOPS!
I repacked my birth basket
washing throws and blankets on furniture
keeping up with the never ending laundry of a large family!!
making my menu plan 2 weeks ahead

I am drinking a cup of my pregnancy tea and imagining my baby girl's face... 

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