Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fundus, & the difference..

I haven't measured my fundus in awhile so I decided to measure last night. My belly has gotten pretty low as baby has dropped down alot as she settles into the pelvis but even so, I am still measuring 42cm!! I get very big at the end...I am short and my baby belly just has nowhere to go but out and so it does.

My walking has slowed down as baby has her head in my pelvis quite often and it hurts as her little head grinds against my pubic bone and pelvic bones. OUCH! I am not going out more than I have to because of how uncomfortable I am.

I definitely notice a difference between this pg and the last one. I saw a chiro thruout my last pg right up until he was born; 15 days late. And although he was 11lbs 3oz and I was huge and uncomfortable I am still moreso this time around. I have only seen a chiro twice this entire pg as we just can't afford one this time. And boy I can tell!! Much more pain, trouble walking/moving, hips are a mess and so painful, grinding baby's head on pelvis/hips etc. that are out of alignment. I am telling you that Labor Day can not come soon enough for me!

I am still trying to wait patiently for her birth day..Father decides that and I know He has it perfectly planned. I am having more moments of frustration but I am able to bring myself back to a place of peace. I am thankful for that! It's not easy but I know it's very beneficial to rest in Him as I wait.

Loving Hebrews 11:1....

  “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” 

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