Monday, August 20, 2012

I will!!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

  • I will.....

    I will not be a "typical" patient and let a Dr. tell me what's best for me. I won't blindly follow anyone; Dr. or not. I will be smart and research and make informed decisions. I won't do it just because the Dr. told me too! I will not let my care be taken lightly and kept in the hands of Drs.  to whom I am just a number...
    I will sign a release and have copies of my own records. I do expect Drs to take me seriously and answer my questions. To come in and speak with me about my results before I am discharged; not just send the nurse with a few tidbits that leave me with more questions and no real answers.
    I WILL fight for myself and my baby to receive adequate care when it is needed.
    And in the end I will remind myself why I have chosen to birth my baby at home!!!  

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