Monday, January 12, 2015

I am strong!!

Its always amazing to me how the enemy will use situations in our lives to try to upend the peace Father gives us.

My last blog post talked of my state of mind and the stress and hurt I've been enduring the last 9 months or so? Well, it's almost as if the enemy of our souls read my post and was determined to steal my joy..

It didn't work I am happy to say...When the Father does a work it's finished. I have taken measures to insure that my joy and peace remain and to keep my emotions and home protected. The situation? Never allowed into my life's finished...and completely done and over...foot down!

Lies don't become truth or falsehoods become's just a perception..not the truth and not planted in reality.

I am so excited to meet this new little person. So amazed that Father has blessed me again...My children are amazing blessings. All  11 of them...My oldest J down to my youngest in the womb...

More birth affirmations:

As I prepare for birth and the JOY given me floods my heart as I said above my JOY and PEACE remain because I have a weapon......

And this!! I know this more now than ever!!!

   Until next time!!!

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