Babies movement has been down very low since about 17-18 weeks. This week the difference is that movement has become higher and all over. She is growing and taking up more room in my womb!
Yesterday I had the joy of seeing my belly jumping and moving all over. The right side of my uterus was bulging as she pushed up against me. Then her sweet little arms begin to hit and punch and my belly moved and jumped. It was such an awesome sight! I just never tire of it!!
I grabbed my tablet and attempted to take a short video but when I went back to watch it I realized I had forgotten to touch the start button! Ugh! Hopefully I will be able to catch it again before she arrives.
I am still looking much bigger than my 22 weeks! As per my normal. :)
My uterus is so sensitive this time around. I'm sure I've mentioned this before but it sure gives me ouchies sometimes. WHEW!!
I had a panic moment while lying in bed one evening last week. It's October already!!! And the holidays are almost here and fall is upon us and then winter and then my baby girl arrives. WHOA! This pregnancy is flying by!
Homeschooling lots of kinder keeps me busy and my own schoolwork. Also co-leading a Frontier Girls group (although my co-leader does way more than me...;)) and all my children's activities, etc.. I'm always running and set on high speed!! It's no wonder this year has flown by and it's almost 2015!!
One theme that I decided upon for this pregnancy was TRUST!! I have spent way too many pregnancies afraid and letting fear control me. So this girl right here decided that this time around I would put my trust, faith & hope where it belongs; with the Creator of all things!
Now that doesn't mean fear still doesn't come and attack trying to leave it's mark but I come back to my decision to trust and I pray seeking Father and His peace! He meets me there every time!
And every time it amazes me! Amazes me that He still puts up with me and all my "issues".
Zephaniah is the verse He gave me for this year and pregnancy! It speaks to me and gives me peace and joy! I've lost so much joy over various things this year, but I know He is right there willing to fill up this vessel with His joy unending!
My newest womb picture...
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