**Been thinking today that I don't think I have mentioned that out of my 6 UC's. four of them were UBAC's. Unassisted Birth After Cesarean.
bp: 101/57
hr: 60bpm
Fundus measurement: 18cm (18 weeks)
17weeks 2days today.
Having those lovely uterine stretchy pains..OUCH! Lots of uterine growth going on.
Have heartburn frequently which is a normal side effect for me in pg.
Felt baby move alot yesterday evening. Twice so far this morning.
Hey there my friend (: so glad to hear this pg is going well! Also wanted you to know i didn't "unfriend" you on fb, they finally timelined me so i am done with fb. I hate timeline, and just decided i don't want to waste my time fooling with something that just makes me mad. The timing was fully Yahweh's, though, really. this month of Elul is a time for drawing near to Him, reflecting on our hearts, repentance, Torah study and prayer. Fb would just be a distraction! I look forward to following your pg and rejoicing with you in the birth of your little blessing! I will follow this new blog when i log in on my computer. I can't remember my password and i'm on my phone.