Monday, 28 May 2012
Symptoms when waiting.
I might have listed all of this in my last blog entry but I am going to list all the symptoms I have had in the days leading up to the time of my cycle starting. I am doing this because I always try to remember past pregnancies and if I had this and if I had that. This way I can document them and have them if I am blessed again after this baby.
Ok, so, I experienced breaking out on my chest which is a normal when I am getting ready to start a cycle. It has cleared up now and did so about 1 or 2 days before my cycle due date. I have the sharp pains in my tailbone here and there as I do when my cycle is almost here. Also crampy feeling and tenderness in lower abdomen. Lower back pain off and on.
Right now I am having the tenderness below that I have when ovulation approaches. And pulling and stretching on my left side over ovary. These 3 I believe to be my uterus growing.
My hpt's are now just about the same color on the result line as the control. Hcg is increasing! Tomorrow I am 5 weeks!
Once in awhile I get a little queasy after eating but not alot or every time. Not expecting morning sickness yet. Most likely will be a week or two yet.
Have had funny taste in my mouth a few times too but not much.
Praying everyday for this new life!
Thank you Father!
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
A new pregnancy
I am pregnant!
Well, I got my first very faint internet cheapie on Sunday afternoon. So faint that I wasn't even sure if there was a line there. Then Sunday evening the line was darker and I could actually see it and it was pink. I asked Mo to look at it also just in case I was imagining it and she saw it also. Right in the bathroom we prayed together laying hands on my womb!
Monday's tests were even more obvious although still faint. Monday was 10dpo. Each day I have continued to test during the day or night and in the morning. And today; 12dpo the lines are very obvious and have increased since Monday.
I am still off and on feeling crampy and as if my cycle is going to start. I have lower back pain and have had a few sharp pains in tailbone like I get when AF is on her way. It comes and goes. Thankfully it's not all day. This is normal for me in the early weeks of pregnancy.
I am using progesterone cream 4x a day because I have low progesterone issues from breastfeeding.
I have had no spotting like with the baby in Jan. that I m/c. Or the Chemical Pregnancy I had in March. I feel much more positive with this baby!
The father gave me Isaiah 43:19 Sunday night when I got my first real faint line.
" I am doing something new; it's springing up - can't you see it? I am making a road in the desert, rivers in the wasteland."
I currently on 12dpo and what would have been cycle day 30. Day 31 is the latest my cycle has gone. Although usually day 31 would be 12dpo as I ovulate a bit later. This month I ovulated earlier by a day or so. So I am also feeling positive as I don't get more than 12 days for my luteal phase on a good month.
I have asked for a few close friends to pray along with my sweet love, of course! :) I am also praying and praying for a healthy strong implantation, baby, pregnancy and mama!
Plan to keep these blog posts private for just a bit. Eventually I will post them..
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Heart broken..
Thinking baby has passed..
This mornings Hpt's were faint and then getting negative's mostly now..
I can't stop crying..I wanted this baby so badly!
I just want to run away and hide. I think my bed looks inviting. I think I will stay home the rest of the week and hide. Thats' all I want to do..
My heart is broken! Very broken..
If you think of me please pray that I begin bleeding and the miscarriage happens.
And maybe the L-rd will have mercy and the baby will make it and a miracle will occur. You could pray that too..
Friday, 20 January 2012
A BFP!!!
Well, today I got a BFP! So, my journey with a new baby begins!
I did have some implantation spotting yesterday which would have been cycle day 28..cycle was due to start today cycle day 29. I can't really call what I saw spotting because it was on my tissue and no where else. It happened early yesterday morning-1am and then again this morning at about 12am. It came and went as fast as it was here.
I have been using Progestelle one dropper each day and now will be upping that to two dropperfuls each day.
Right now I am dealing with an abscessed tooth and taking amoxicillin for it. I did take some of the pain meds they prescribed but now that pg has been confirmed I will just take Tylenol. The swelling has went down some so the pain has gone down also and Tylenol will cover it. Before nothing but the pain meds would do it.
So my new blessing looks to be due around Sept. 29th.
I have been having nausea which I thought was due to the medicine although it sure felt like morning sickness. I do think it was from the medicine and the pg. My tummy just isn't able to handle medicine when I am pg like it can when I am not. Even having a full tummy wasn't working..this afternoon I feel better. It seems to be worse after I eat.
I am also belching alot which is another pg sign for me.
Thursday, 01 September 2011
cycle info
3rd ovulatory cycle info:
ovulated day 18-19 started taking the cream the night of day 21..
Had some brown and then later pink blood on 5 dpo; went away and then had a teeny bit in some mucous on 9dpo. Then late night on 10 dpo my cycle came full force. So it seems my hormone levels dropped on 5dpo but the cream stopped it and it didn't come on fully until 10 dpo. My cycle started on 28.
This cycle was normal flow for me for 3 days. Spotting on day 4 and done completely by day 5. Easy enough..
This cycle I am watching for ovulation with the opk's. Not sure if I am going to use my fertility monitor. ??
Then I plan to start using the cream sooner. As soon as I get my two days peak on the monitor and on the 3rd day it's back to high fertilty I am going to start taking the cream. I wonder if I am starting the cream too late after ovulation. I am waiting 36 hours but perhaps I need to start using it within the 2 day time frame. Trying it this cycle so we'll see..
Trying to be patient. Today feeling sad I am not pg.. :( Hoping I am soon!
On day 6 of my cycle awhile yet!
My cycle lengths have been 27, 32, & 28..and luteal phase has been 5, 8, and 10 days but with the 10 day one I had the brown and then pink spotting so not sure what to think of that and if I can certainly consider it 10 days or not?
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