Sunday, September 2, 2012

About me!!

It's been awhile since I shared about myself and my family. So let me start by reintroducing myself. I am the mother of 11 children. I have been married to my bestfriend and lover for 17 1/2 years!

My love and I on New Year's Eve 2012

We love and serve the Father. He is a part of everything we do and we trust Him! His hands are big enough to hold me and I know He is good! He is faithful!  

 I am pregnant and due in late January 2013 with baby #12. I have been pregnant a total of 14 times. One of my pregnancies was with twins. At one month old my twin daughter RuthAnne died suddenly in my love's arms.

My children!!

 My birth history:
 #1- vaginal hospital birth
#2- midwife attended homebirth
#3- unplanned unassisted- was supposed to be midwife attended homebirth but midwife ended up being out of town so it was just my love, me, a friend and the 19 yr. old daughter of my midwife.
 #4- I did all my own prenatal care. My love asked the midwife to come and show him some things about the placenta and birth for the future. Midwife attended homebirth.
 #5- unplanned unassisted homebirth. Midwife didn't make it in time. baby was 30 minutes old before she arrived.
#6&7- Csection due to position of twins.
 #8- planned unassisted homebirth; UBAC
 #9- planned unassisted homebirth; posterior birth UBAC

Mama & ZaraLayna

 #10- planned unassisted waterbirth at home; hemorrhage which we managed at home UBAC

 #11- planned unassisted homebirth; light meconium staining which we mangaged at home. UBAC


#12- on the way; planned unassisted homebirth 5th UBAC; 7th UC; 9th homebirth

 I also have had 3 miscarriages; unassisted at home. One was at 13 1/2 weeks, one at 4-5 weeks in March 2009 and the other this past January at 5 weeks.

 We are a homeschooling, homesteading, homebirthing and just plain old home loving family! We have graduated 1 of our children from our homeschool so far. The rewards have blown us away. They are so much more than we ever imagined they would be!

Our home..

 I have been studying Midwifery, birth, pregnancy, etc. since 1995 when I had my first miscarriage. I love birth and all things related to it. Fun for me?  Reading Midwifery manuals/books. I love to learn new things and refresh my mind on the old.

 I also have been studying herbs a long time. They are another passion of mine. Along with homesteading, frugal living and cooking. We are major foodies in our home. My sweet man wanted to be a chef when he grew up. :) Although he isn't doing it as a career he practices his culinary skills in our home and we get to reap the benefits!!!

 I also just recently retired from LLL as a LLL Leader. I want to put my skills to better use. I will be furthering my education after the birth of my little sprout. I will be taking a combined Doula/Breastfeeding Counselor Course in which I will then be certified. I am very excited about using the talents Father has given me to empower women!! At a later date years down the road when most of my children are older I plan to again further my education and work towards becoming a midwife.

 In the meantime I want to offer information, experience and hope to women that they do have choices in how they birth! I am hoping to help educate others. Knowledge is power!!

 Well, that's me! Leave me a comment and tell me about YOU!!


  1. �� And may our Good Father continue to bless you and use you to bless others. You're a wonderful woman!

  2. You are so talented, Ambra :) I am very excited to see the journey you will take in the future in helping other mamas :)

    You know who I am! Only 8 babies, though :D Once they are grown, I would love to be a midwife too, but that is 4 years of university here. We shall see!
